Ice ice baby week #1

Happy Monday in the sun, kittens! I'm having one special week after another, I'm having so much fun at the moment! This is another collaboration with someone I adore: Lili! I'm definitely going to have to do a portrait of her for my "good people" column, and why not even a week [...].
July 08, 2013 — Lisa


And to finish the week in style under the hot sun... I've got a little musical surprise for you... A lot of you ask me what I listen to when I'm making things... So I'm working on it, and I've even thought of making a monthly playlist for you, in the near future. I must tell you [...]
July 07, 2013 — Lisa


  My chestnuts! So I'll spend the rest of my life saying thank you! To end the week with Ludovic & shu uemura, in style, and to thank you for the 10,000 followers on Facebook, we're offering you the chance to win a complete make-up kit... yeah yeah nothing else. THANK YOU Ludo! The [...]
July 06, 2013 — Lisa


My little cats! Happy friday to you, I've got more surprises for you tomorrow and the day after! In the meantime, here's the shu uemura DIY... Because for me, this brand means not only crazy colors and sublime textures, but also false eyelashes, each more incredible than the last. For a very long time now, I've been [...]
July 05, 2013 — Lisa

Share your beauty tips

My little cats, We're continuing our week with Ludovic, and I'll tell you the whole story again in this video... We'd both agreed that Ludovic would come to my little house to do my make-up for a change of scenery. But a little while before that, at a party at Wanderlust, he had done my make-up in a very [...].
July 03, 2013 — Lisa


  Good Tuesday, straw hats... We're still with Ludovic today, and with Scott! Remember I told you about him and his magic bar in my last portrait of good people? Well, for the record, on our first date with Ludovic, after getting to know each other, we exchanged [...].
July 02, 2013 — Lisa


 Ludovic Engrand. A few months ago, almost a year ago, a friend of mine e-mailed Ludovic and me. Ludovic works like a madman for the beautiful Japanese brand shu uemura, and whenever he takes a break from his ministerial schedule, he flies off to faraway lands, so [...].
July 01, 2013 — Lisa

DIY du merci #9

Hello my little cats! A little DIY, without sewing, a little DIY, which looks barbaric like that but it's just at first sight, you'll have to get over your prejudices with yourself "I've got two left hands", "I'll never make it", "I've got psychomotor problems with my ten fingers"... I don't even want to hear you say [...].
June 30, 2013 — Lisa


Happy friday chestnuts! It's summer on the calendar, not so much in reality... But I've decided I don't care, I've been boring you with the weather lately and I feel like I've been playing the same CD over and over again... Since vitaminwater, I've been craving color and I think it's time to [...].
June 28, 2013 — lisa gachet


The kittens are crazy! Make My Lemonade is exporting, or rather internationalizing, and I'm delighted to welcome Marilou, loulou, ma lou and all of them to this little website... Marilou is a bit like my sister in real life... Our lives really do intersect and intertwine. I won't give you the details, that's up to us, but once upon a [...]
June 26, 2013 — Lisa


My little woodland cats, I wanted to talk to you today about stubbornness... You know I'm like you, and there are times when I just want to give up, because it's not working, because it's getting me drunk, because it's not the way I imagined it, because it's not [...].
June 26, 2013 — lisa gachet


My kittens... I've told you my life has been full of surprises and twists and turns lately... I'd rather talk to you about that today, so we can get the crazy stuff of the last two months out of the way and get back to our good old creative habits of tomorrow! So here goes... A few months ago, I [...]
June 23, 2013 — lisa gachet