
The kittens are crazy!

Make My Lemonade is exporting, or rather internationalizing, and I'm delighted to welcome Marilou, loulou, ma lou and all to this little website... Marilou is a bit like my sister in real life... Our lives really do intersect and intertwine. I won't go into the details, as that's our own business, but there was a time when we were really taken for sisters... I'm so happy to know her, to introduce her to you here through her words, and that she's part of the Make My Lemonade adventure... All this to say that today Loulou took care of the translations of all the 2013 posts, yeah yeah and you know, it was no picnic translating all my stupid puns, messed-up nicknames and other wild technical terms... In short, THANK YOU LOULOU 1,000 times, ONE THOUSAND TIME EVEN... I invite you to spread the word, to spread the info on the internets, English speakers are welcome and will be able to enjoy a bit of lemonade too, with us!

How crazy is that? 

June 26, 2013