Happy friday chestnuts! 

It's summer on the calendar, but not in reality... But I've decided I don't care, I've been boring you with the weather lately and I feel like I've been playing the same CD over and over again... Ever since vitaminwaterI've been craving color, and I think the next 2 months are going to be colorful and full of vitamins around here... I don't know about you, but just walking past a colorful wall makes me smile, and seeing a chick in a yellow jacket makes me dare... In short, I don't need much, you may say, but as the sun isn't burning my skin right now, I prefer to compensate by wearing vibrant colors that sting my eyes... I swear, try it, get out your fuchsia pants and your chick-yellow dc Marten's, it'll do you good...

I see myself as a general practitioner of fashion, who would have interned in the renowned practice of Super timai:

"So, little lady, you're feeling tired and depressed, yet you're sleeping at least 10 hours a night? hmmm, I see, so you're going to give me a little cure of lemon meringue pie for 2 days: a (small) slice of tart morning, noon and night, and you'll wear bright color at least 3 times a week, on at least 30% of your body. If the symptoms persist, you'll come back to see me to do a little DIY tanning lamp." 

Speaking of DIY, I've got two great pieces of news for you! Stay behind your screens this weekend, I'm cooking up a little something to get your fingers tingling, and I'll be at the Brunch Bazar on Saturday from 5pm to 7pm to autograph your make my party (there will also be some for sale for those who forgot theirs...) this edition of the brunch bazaar is Sous le pont Alexandre III, port des invalides, 75007 Paris. See you there? 

Today I'm wearing shoes & Other storiesa mini skirt Zara from the current collection, a Baruckello top, a jacket from FOLIE carvena little flower in my bun H&Mand my love bag Erotokritos



June 28, 2013