Mes petits chats, mes petits amours, mes petits coeurs au beurre, It is with immense joy and pride, and a great deal of stage fright that I deliver to you today a project that has been close to my heart for months: Wear Lemonade. I've been looking for the right partners, the right suppliers, the right graphics, the right [...]
January 30, 2015 — Lisa


  Hello my little cats, This morning, as I was walking to the metro, I was thinking about what I was going to write to you and I felt good, full of love, it wasn't too cold, I had a silly smile stuck on my face, the song Myth by Beach House in my ears, and I felt good, relaxed, supple, [...]
January 28, 2015 — Lisa

Application of the month HEAD SPACE

  I've been wanting to write a new column for a long time, because I'm a connected girl, a little too connected sometimes. And I often think: what will I do without my mobile? I think back to the days before smart phones, when I used to print out my Mappy maps to get to an appointment, [...].
January 27, 2015 — Lisa


  Hello my little wolves of the woods, I hope you're well. I'm fine, but I can't hide the fact that the events of January made me think about my daily life and my job in a whole new way. I've been in a deep state of slow motion, wondering whether everything I've said on this blog has been [...].
January 23, 2015 — Lisa


  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20 (like Michelle Obama) You're feeling morose and depressed by the apocalyptic atmosphere of the beginning of the year, and we understand... But rather than trying to pass a bill to go straight into 2016, make up your mind, listen to Stevie Wonder, and make a list of [...].
January 21, 2015 — Lisa


  Hello my sweet readers, I really don't have the heart to talk about a happy friday. I'm sad, helpless, I feel like whatever I say here, on my site, will be in vain. I feel like I've lost someone. Although I didn't know these men, and I didn't read Charlie Hedbo, I felt [...]
January 09, 2015 — Lisa


Hello to all my little cats, I was going to post this at noon but suddenly speaking out as if nothing had happened on the blog seemed completely out of place. I'm in shock at what happened today at Charlie Hedbo headquarters. How is this possible? In short, I'm [...]
January 07, 2015 — Lisa


My little cats! Wishing you a wonderful year.... Oh no, more wishes, I see you're coming, I know it's a bit dodgy, overdone, outdated but it's a must and then, well, let's take a step back, there are worse things in life than wishing nice things to people [...].
January 05, 2015 — Lisa

Bye BYE 2014

  Dear little cats... I don't like to take stock, but I think it's good to know and analyze what we've done in order to move forward. I feel like I've spent the last year trying to fit 48 hours into 24 and you know what? It's almost impossible. Sometimes I [...]
December 30, 2014 — Lisa

New York Mon AMOUR

  Happy Monday, my little cats! Merry Christmas! I hope you're all well and warm with your families, wrapping your presents! Thank you for your photos and posts on social networks of your gift-wrapping creations with My Little Box goodies. Well done, it's so [...]
December 24, 2014 — Lisa


  Hello my little cats! I'm back today with a project that really amused me! In fact, I'm often contacted by beauty brands to talk to you about cosmetics. It's great, I love it, and who doesn't love receiving beauty products? But I have to confess that I'm a little [...]
December 21, 2014 — Lisa

Happy Friday #63

  Happy Friday, kittens! I hope you're well, ready with all your presents wrapped for the big day so you can spend the weekend under the comforter, or if not, that you're psychologically ready to go shopping on a Saturday afternoon before Christmas. As far as I'm concerned, it's [...]
December 19, 2014 — Lisa