My little cats!

Wishing you a wonderful year.... Oh no, more wishes, I see you're coming, I know it's a bit sloppy, overdone, outdated but it's a must and then, well, let's take a step back, there are worse things in life than wishing nice things to the people you love... So for this year, I wish you freedom, that some of your dreams come true, because we need to leave room for the building sites of 2016... Of course, I wish you love and that you find pleasure in what you do every day. Not easy, I know, but in short, get moving!

I love new years full of hope and good resolutions that we never keep. In fact, I was pretty quick this year to nuke one. On January 1 at 10.24pm, by the time I'd finished wolfing down a Big Mac, I could say goodbye to my resolution to eat healthily. I think my number one resolution this year will be to not give up. I mean, sometimes I think everything has to be perfect, all the time, otherwise it's not worth doing. Let me explain: for example, I decide that this year I'm going to remove my make-up every night, do meditation every morning etc... Well, if I forget to do it even once, I'll give up for the rest of the week and we'll see next Monday to try for a perfect week. It's as if every Monday were a sort of new year, a new beginning, and it's the same for September... So this year, I don't have any good resolutions. But I do have good intentions, not to wait until every Monday to try and make "no mistakes". Making lots of "mistakes", making "deviations" and getting back on the "right track" the very next day, because in the end I'll never be perfect and that's what's good about it.

Anyway, I hope you're full of good intentions too! That you have goals, mine and those of the studio for the month of January are :

  • - Find offices.
  • - Find a publishing rhythm.
  • - Launch sewing patterns.
  • - Work on next book (!!!)
  • - Finish by 6pm at least once a week.

See you in 1 month to take stock and set new challenges! Don't you think it helps to put your intentions down on paper, as if your pen and paper were crucial witnesses not to be disappointed... I give you a big hug and wish you all the best.

January 05, 2015