My little kittens, I'm just passing by, I'm preparing some GIGA surprises for September, I can't wait to tell you about them! Just a little more patience... I'm off to a shoot for one of these famous surprises. But in the meantime, I'm announcing that this Sunday, with my sidekicks Mai from Superbytimai, I'm [...]
August 28, 2013 — Lisa


Happy Friday my little owls, For a change like every Friday I'm having a laugh... I hope you're enjoying your last days of vacation! I'm making to-do lists and trying to give myself some discipline for this "new" year that's just around the corner. I'm trying to [...]
August 23, 2013 — Lisa


My little cats! And yes, Wednesday is DIY! Here we go again, we're keeping up the pace, I want to make lots of clothes right now! I hadn't touched my sewing machine for months before writing this post! How I'd missed it, but what was I thinking? What satisfaction, [...]
August 21, 2013 — Lisa


  Happy Monday, darlings! I hope you're well... I'm delighted to tell you that I'm back! I'M BACK! And what's more, I'm so happy to be back on track with these cherry photos, which are doing me a world of good (I'm not getting any better...). I thought to myself [...]
August 19, 2013 — Lisa


Happy friday chestnuts! I wish you a wonderful start to the weekend and a good start to some, and some, I feel like all my friends are deserting Paris. But I like these empty streets... The atmosphere is rather strange, a bit like the calm before the storm, or the end of the world, no less. An atmosphere [...]
August 09, 2013 — Lisa


My little cats... I'm not getting anywhere, I'm making the blog a dilettante destination, but I think I underestimated the length of my vacation. 1 week against the furiously crazy year that has just gone by was definitely not enough! So I'm going at my own pace, I'm listening to myself a lot, I've got things ready [...].
August 08, 2013 — Lisa


  Good Monday my darlings, I was surprised by this return from vacation ... So much work, things to settle, people to meet etc ... The madness in July, I thought it would calm down but no ... But it's good I'm back, rested and ready to go again.
July 29, 2013 — Lisa


Mes petits loups des bois, I've just come back from my week's vacation, it was so good, it's been ages since it was BEAUTIFUL and HOT in July near Bordeaux for my nanos vacations! Happiness... I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your comments on the ice ice baby week, [...].
July 19, 2013 — Lisa

Ice ice baby week #5

Mes petits chats, Today, a little later than the other days, I'm posting the penultimate manicure rain of glitter on an immaculate background... To continue on our working girl path... yesterday I told you about my doubts, today I'd like to tell you about my desires. Let me reassure you, my doubts don't really prevent me from [...].
July 12, 2013 — Lisa

Ice ice baby week #4

Happy Thursday, my chestnuts! How quickly the days go by, I'm writing novels for you every day, but I've got a lot to say, it seems... In the vein of "vis ma vie de chef d'entreprise", I'd like to tell you about my doubts. Today, I work every day, yes every day... Because yes, when you're [...] I'm a [...].
July 11, 2013 — Lisa

Ice ice baby week #3

Hello my little cats! We're enjoying this sublime weather, I'm delighted it's so nice, I was afraid we'd fall flat on our faces with our Ice Ice baby or Nice cream week... I had to give you a weather update because it's been almost a week since the weather has been sublime [...].
July 10, 2013 — Lisa

Ice ice baby week #2

My little cats, First of all, thank you for your feedback and your sweet comments. I love reading about your first cosmetic emotions and it's a real pleasure to see you remember. So this week, I wanted to tell you a little about my work, my profession, my best job on earth for me. The more I think about it, the more I [...]
July 09, 2013 — Lisa