My little timber wolves, 

I've just got back from my week's vacation, which was so good, it's been ages since it was BEAUTIFUL and HOT in July near Bordeaux for my nano-holidays! Happiness... I'd like to thank you for your comments on the ice ice baby week, it really makes me want to continue doing other series and the subject seems so adaptable, in short... It's now impossible for me to paint my nails without eating an ice cream... I'm bouncing around on this ice cream story, but I thought it was obvious that I should tell you about my work by showing you ice cream... As if it went hand in hand, my job would be a kind of delicacy, a sweet that makes me want to get up in the morning... I think it's cool, I even think it's beautiful, even if some days I eat bitter sweets... It's worth it 100 times over! 

And to give you a break from all this work stuff, I wanted to tell you one last cute anecdote. My 10-year-old niece Malia asked me this week: "Auntie, what do you do for a living? It's hard to explain, even to a child who's far from stupid... I found myself at a loss, because I wasn't going to talk to her about set design or art direction...

I should have told her I'm a Swiss Army knife.... Happy friday cats!




On this warm Friday I'm wearing shoes I found on Sarenzaa little Zara skirt from this season, a cropped blouse White Pepperand my Mango necklace that I don't need to introduce to you anymore... And my love bag remember! Wonderful weekend! 


happy-friday -44
July 19, 2013