My little cats! 

It's so hard to find a rhythm when you work from home! Well, yes, because for the past 1 month I've been working freelance! I love the freedom, I juggle like crazy, I love it! But then it's not easy to get up and stay at home, it's not easy to get dressed and stay on the couch all day to do duillustrator, it's not easy not to hug my cat every 10 minutes... AH Frida.... But you can be proud of me, I haven't once responded to the call of "what if I stay in a jog until 4pm, and I'm going to feed myself exclusively with 'chocapics', by UGG! "No, no, I'm adapting and loving this new life, but I wonder how I managed to do it all when I also had a real job! Yes, today I'm struggling to complete all my professional projects and I'm trying as hard as I can to free up time to come here, I miss it you have no idea but I feel I'm going to make it, I'm getting my head above water! If you also work from home, do you have any tricks? giant planners? magic post-its? Or if there's a real estate agent in the audience who'd like to help me find an office, I'd love to hear from you!  

Parenthesis, small announcement aside, I'm preparing a few little DIYs that you might enjoy, I'm fine-tuning the little design updates for the blog, and the translation too! And above all, beauty will be arriving en masse here this weekend... yeah yeah... I'm improving, even if sometimes I look like Louis XIV, I'm practicing hard, and I'm removing my make-up!


 Today I'm wearing my Asos love coat, remember I told you about it? the and it's super sold out! a La redoute x Inès de la Fressange sailor, and under this sailor I'm wearing a DIY dress my favorite dress made in white Plumetis something tells me I'm going to tell you more about this dress.... to be continued! Dim up a little transparent I can't stand opaque black anymore, I've got the impression that it makes the leg "pole" this story, it's all in my head ... and pumps not too high kind practicable in daytime. La redoute! LOVE 

February 01, 2013