Hello kittens! 

I'm back among you, thank you for all your words it's galvanizing to read your reactions, I'm so excited!!!! I'm not touching the ground anymore, it's going to be so good I can't wait to show you this book... to get your feedback, to make you win some, for you to enjoy.... in short I'm getting lost but I don't want to tell you more! Anyway, I'm here and I'm going to try not to abandon you for so long! In fact, I'm preparing a little theme week for you very soon!

 What would I do if you weren't here! I don't know about you, but when I was little, my mom used the "I-hide-the-vegetable-that-you-don't-like-in-your-noodles" technique to get me to eat vegetables, a sort of surprise noodle party, which worked sometimes... A pasta recipe for my club med gym challenge: that's all I needed, a well-balanced dish full of starchy foods, white meat, vegetables, the deal's almost done... just one more recipe!

 And what do you know? Broccoli has become my friend... it wasn't easy, it took coconut milk, soy sauce and a few cashew nuts, but he and I are together for life... 

 To make this recipe, you need the following for 2 people:

  • - linguine,
  • - two chicken cutlets,
  • - one broccoli,
  • - a small carton of coconut milk,
  • - a handful of cashew nuts,
  • - and a tablespoon of soy sauce. 
    Now, I'm not going to teach you how to cook pasta, am I? No, you've got to be kidding me.... So, while your pasta is cooking on top of the saucepan, place a small Asian wicker basket in which to steam your broccoli, which has been cut into small trees... If you don't have a wicker basket, the "cuit-vapeur" works just as well. I've tested cooking broccoli in a pot of boiling water during the week, and find that it becomes sad.... it's a bit mushy, nothing beats a few minutes steaming to keep the crunchiness of the beast. While your pasta and broccoli are cooking, fry your cutlets in a non-stick frying pan with a little olive oil, just a little drizzle.... once your cutlets are cooked, take them off the heat, and cut them into strips, before putting them back in the pan and drizzling them with coconut milk and cashew nuts, stirring often, letting the coconut milk thicken and at the last moment adding the broccoli! Arrange the linguine on your plates and add the other ingredients on top, garnish with a little chopped coriander and the soy sauce (I only had mint in my kitchen that day...). Enjoy! 


    January 29, 2013