Hello my chestnuts, 

Remember this contest Etsy to find "my perfect gift" and now I've received it! I love it and it's the wreath you voted for the most... Not bad, eh? Personally I love it and at first I thought it was going to be a bit too editorial for everyday life, you know what I mean.... And then no, 2013 I dared and I really did what I liked and to tell you the truth, I even went to a professional appointment with my crown on my head as if nothing had happened... In the end that's how it went down best, as if it were normal to wear a crown of black plastic flowers, as if I were wearing a beanie... let's keep it cool. And I can promise you that you'll be remembered as "the crazy chick who wore a crown of flowers in the subway...". In short, THANK YOU Esty, thank you for understanding me so well, and the winner drawn at random from among those who voted for this wreath is Hélène François! 

February 02, 2013