

My little chestnuts! 
I hope you're doing fine with some ray of sunshine on your life for the end of the week. Okay if you're in Paris, I won't say anything except maybe don't put your head in the oven please. Chin up - even though at the time I'm writing it's pouring rain outside, summer is here in 28 days! Adopt the colorful method, when I see myself in a window or a car side-mirror I blind myself (Yes I'm dazzling with this outfit) from socks to the trench with disco shoes. That day I was called " little chick ", " my sun, " Lisa banana " but nobody thought " lemon "... How weird ? The thing is that we are in May and I refuse to wear tights again. So since the beginning of the week I'm pulling out short jumpsuits and mini skirts but I almost got pneumonia. Shorts + bike + rain = having the voice of Chewbacca for 3 days, I knew it but it is the 25th of May for God sakes! (Happy Mother's day to my mom ! I call you later)




Anyways. This week I finished quite a lot of projects that I'll talk to your about soon around here so I'm happy! And I think that this spring tornado is calming now so I feel like I'm going to have some time to use my sewing machine again and make you some things you should enjoy... I know that some of you read it last week in the ELLE issue but for those of you who don't read that feminine cornerstone, this summer I start a little templates retail business (to sew). A kind of dressing of my "twisted" basics, it'll be a sewing rendezvous here every month. 




I really look happy to seat on the back of the bench... Okay back to the essential and important stuff... I'm wearing a white short jumpsuit by a very solo band named Lab dipyou can find a similar one herea classical but with a perfect fit denim shirt from Asosa yellow trench that'll prevent your from being depressed by Warehousea flower made by my sweet Karuna Balloomy collection of thai rings and my indian three-fingers ring... Doré Doré socks and Georgia Rose shoes we transformed into jewelry during the last workshop with Sarenza, to be continued... 
Lisa banana


May 25, 2014 — lisa gachet




My little cats! 
Here is an easy DIY today, a little colorful tips to share with your children, brothers and sisters, nephews, neighbors... with any kids actually! I don't know if you remember the Petit Bateau workshops all around France but today I re-do the star DIY of this workshop before your astonished eyes. The kids were really into it and much more skillful than their moms, sorry ladies but you urgently should introduce your kids to sewing... It's a DIY for children and for older children as well, I imagine doing these little windmills with leather would be great... To be continued. If you're out of ideas for the rainy weekend to come, just go buy some baize and press studs at your local notions store and you know you'll be able to keep your tribe busy for an afternoon. I tested this workshop quite a few times so I can tell you that the children should be at least 6 years old and know how to well use a pair of scissors to really have some fun, you'll see they'll be completely autonomous after a few windmills... 
Length: allow 10 minutes for the first windmills
Cost: less than 10 euros (without the sailor)
Difficulty: easy for an adult but it's also a good way to initiate children to sewing, so they can fix your buttons and socks on wednesday afternoon. 




For this DIY you will need: 
  • baize
  • a pencil
  • thread and needle
  • scissors
  • press studs
  • a small ruler 
  • and a Marinière (stripped shirt)




Draw squares on the baize with at least two different colors for each windmill (here the large windmill dimensions are 10x10 cm and the small ones are 5x5 cm). Small tips: cut your squares right on the lines to avoid inelegant pencil marks. 




For the little ones (or the older ones who are not so sure) you can draw diagonals with your ruler to make the next steps easier, don't draw them to the center but only draw the ends. 




As earlier, cut on the lines to make the pencil marks disappear and stop at 1,5 cm from the center of the square.




Grab some thread matching your windmill and a needle, double your thread, make a knot and start sewing at the center of the windmill, letting the needle and thread come out of it on the other side. 




Fold every other angle towards the center of the square in order to create you windmill, either the right side or the left side of the angle but you need to keep the same side to make you windmill. Put every part on the needle and sew again at the center of the windmill. If this step in hard you can still sew every angle one by one. Add a few stitches to fix the lot well. 




Once your last stitch is done, turn it on the back and be careful not to cut the thread! Take the male part of the press stud and start sewing it with the same thread. Make two stitches for every press stud hole to fix it well. Here you are with your first windmill ready to decorate your marinière.




You can now decide the place of your windmills on your marinière. Draw a small dot with the pencil to mark the future place of the female part of the press stud. 




Now take the female part of your press studs, your thread matching the color of the marinière this time and your needle. Fix the press studs at the chosen place, two stitches for each press stud hole. Clip your windmills and don't hesitate to have fun choosing their location, either like a necklace or like a buttonhole or in a cluster on the chest, enjoy! 




And TA-DA ! Don't forget to unclip your windmills before washing the shirt! 


May 22, 2014 — lisa gachet




My little cats! 

Happy Monday ! I had this post in mind for a while now and the other day I took the time to photograph and write it so I'm really happy about it! It's a beauty post because I have to admit that at the beginning of the blog, and actually well before that when I freshly arrived in the capital city, alone for the first time and barely an adult, I still had teenage beauty habits and I didn't put much effort into my vanity-case, Nivea and Clearasil had been part of my daily routine for a long time, until I met friends that were really into beauty and more importantly, until the blog arrived in my life. Let me be clear that no brand in behind this post, it simply is about sharing some tips together. To be completely honest I receive lots of products, I test them, I like them, I drop them, I don't understand them, I forget them, pretty much like everyone actually does, but today I'd like to tell you about those little revolutions in my life, yeah you read well, revolutions, there are products that I buy again right when I finish them... 
You'll see that they are my basics regarding care, complexion and eyes because if you think about it it's just like shoes, we never have enough of eye shadows and lipstick...




To start with I'd like to talk about care and cleansing routine, I'm far from being a cleansing-freak but I do know that a beautiful skin starts with a good cleansing... It took me some time to get it but it really is the key! A few months ago I received this Clarisonic Mia 2 brush, I thought it was quite a crazy gadget and at first I used it at full blast morning and evening making large movements as if I was cleaning the parquet floor... Which is absolutely what you shouldn't do, the result was that my skin was very dry and I had little red patches. So I talked about it with my friends from Make my beauty who advised me to only use it on evenings anyways and to start with using it every other day. And it was a revolution, my skin texture went really smoother really fast and the shining T zone was just a dim memory. Now I carefully follow the several cleansing cycles (the length of the variations is different depending on the zones of your face) no need to make movements since the brush does a micro massage itself by making more than 300 backward and forward movements in a second: a supersonic cleansing with zero effort all in all. I've used it every evening for 5 months after removing my eye make-up with the incredibly soft Caudalie vine flower cleansing foam... (careful, you have to change the head of the brush every 3 months). And I use the foam alone every morning to clean my face, I am really fond of it because it is not aggressive, it doesn't rub down your skin but you still have this feeling of clean that I love after the cleansing. And I finish with a perfect gesture that I deeply love, applying the Nirvanesque de Nuxe light cream, the scent is crazy, completely addictive. And this scent is a way to sweeten the pill of using a "first wrinkle" cream... 




And this little miracle product! Glam Glowokay this one isn't cheap but how efficient ! It's been recommended to me by my gorgeous friend Simone from the Simone Blog. I asked her, very impartially, if she knew a good product that could help me get rid of the little spots due to the bangs, don't look so disgusted, we are all in the same boat. I can use tricks for a week alternating between rockabilly quiff, headscarf and little braid pressed against my head and I have the forehead of a baby. But if I leave my Justin Bieber like side fringe on my forehead for more than 3 days, it dies, it's the apocalypse. And I was tired to have to choose between my hair or my skin so this Glam glow mask is magical. I use it once a week. It stings a lot at the beginning, I mean so much that it's hard to keep it on and then that stops, it dries and creates air bubbles around the imperfections and right after you rinse it your skin is already better. I use it on evening and the morning after it's like Christmas... Simone strongly advised me to take the black version and not the white one which is even more "corrosive" like you'd wash your face with soda. 




Just a quick recap on hydration: when it starts to be very sunny outside I alternate between the Nirvanesque cream and the crème délicieuse de Nuxe SunI know you're going to think I'm crazy but I quickly turn orange instead of the nice caramel color, I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. 




My absolute quest of a perfect complexion sometimes turns into an obsession, I'm convinced I can have a post-photoshop skin with a few good products. Over time I discovered some little products that help me through my sacred quest... Before anything I apply thePore Minimizer de Dior, which is kind of a little miracle in a tube, it smoothes your skin, minimizes your pores, fills, mattifies and refines your little wrinkles while being very light and transparent. I apply a small amount and the perfect complexion it gives you in no time is quite crazy. Then it's time for my favorite, it's love in a tube, I'm currently using my third tube in 18 months... The she uemura BB creamI can't even find the words to describe it, it's light while covering, it's mattifying while very hydrating and "eyelash curler on top of the vanity case" it has a SPF 30. HURRAY! To conceal the rings under my eyes which have been my nightmare for two years now I use this genius Benefit Erase Pastethe lighter shade, I pat it with the tips of my fingers under my eyes and I fix it with the awesome Invisible Loose Powder by Laura Mercier. I discovered it with the girls from Make My BeautyAlexandra did my make-up for a shooting once and sang the praises of this powder, with it being her favorite. Laura Mercier is a brand hard to find in Paris and I imagine it's even worse elsewhere in France but you can find it on Birchbox. You apply it like a regular powder but it instantly becomes invisible, I mean there is no "powdered" aspect but it creates some sort of blur that catches the light... And I finish my complexion with a blush, I have two loves: the Glee shade from bareMineralsI love that its powered texture merges perfectly with my skin. And I have had my Madeleine de Proust for ever in my bag the boîte ronde de Bourjoisthe rose éclat shade, I'm a crazy about its smell... 




And the other big work of my daily routine is the eyes... I can't get out without anything on my eyes but I try to, especially when I'm on holidays. Okay it only happens once a year but I like doing some 'slow beauty' from time to time. When I apply some mascara again I feel like I'm Mariah Carey. Anyway I'm not faithful to one mascara in particular, I test lots of them and once they're empty I never actually had a crush on one and told myself that I had to buy it again. I currently use the combo Dior show Maximizer and Dior Iconic in black, it clearly doesn't suit everybody's budget but after the flawless skin obsession I have a 10ft long, thick and natural eyelashes obsession. Let me have it okay, and the use of those two products is really efficient for a deep and long result, I haven't found better yet! For my eyeliner application which is a step I can't skip, I only use the Baby doll Yves Saint Laurent because it has a brush and it's become rare to find that kind of tool now that the crayon liner has come (which I don't know how to use). I like the precision of the brush and its clear-cut and not "plastic" finish. I end with a line of beige eye pencil inside the eye, I'm still looking for tips to get larger eyes, after years of black pencil inside the eye that shorten it, I got my revenge with my beige pencil, yes beige because it's more natural than white that'd be contrasting too much with the white of the eye, nobody has an optic white white of the eye. 




And my last obsession, yes I know I have quite a lot of them when it comes to beauty, is to have large messy eyebrows, it's been on for years... And the other day I went to the Benefit shop to buy my love concealer and the quite talented saleswoman showed me this product: Gimme BROW. I'm only love, an eyebrows mascara that is very easy to apply with its mini bottle-brush. Et voilà I have XL eyebrows in 15 seconds... Well I'd like to thank my mom one more time for always forbidding me to bother with a pair of tweezers...




Here are my favorites, I could also tell you about Visine, my savior when my nights are too short, I don't know where you can find it in France but on the internet you'll get lucky ici. Two drops in each eye and I don't look like an albino rabbit anymore, it really really is a very good product but don't overuse it. And my other favorite is Homéoplasmine by Boiron, my lips savior all year round...




What about you, what are your miracle products ? Sweet kisses ! 


May 19, 2014 — lisa gachet




This post could have been titled "Sky is the limit" or "Mirage in Dubai", 
Let me warn you, this post might be very long... During this event I took more than 600 pictures with all my cameras, after a lot of editing I got to a hundred pictures that I love... So yes it will be a long post but I can't get myself to withdraw any moment. I really had a hard time finishing this post, quite as if I wanted to make this moment last a little bit longer... Come with me, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as it amazed me. 




5.34 p.m.: Arrival on the site, boats are waiting for the guests. The light is crazy, it already is quite magical.




5.45 p.m.: Let's go to " THE ISLAND ", the building where the show will happen looks like a mirage. 




5.52 p.m.: It's both feet on solid ground that I discover it covered with a field of candles, a small path draws a route between tents and leads to the place of the show... As I get closer to the building housing the show, I wonder if Chanel really had made a double C moucharaby.




6.02 p.m.: Backstage! Magic is still working, I'm like a kid in a candy store. I hope this excitement and adrenaline will never leave me. 




6.13 p.m.: I'm looking for the slightest camellia and embroideries that I could have seen at the Lesage and Lemarié workshops! Look at who we find above! Dominique, look! 




6.26 p.m.: Flowers and flowers, embroideries everywhere, I basking in a quasi regressive bliss. I try to make myself the smallest possible, every dresser stands at attention, waiting for the models to finish having their make-up and hair done. 




6.32 p.m.: I discover pieces of jewelers' crafts on a table, more treasures in every corner of this backstage, I turn around like crazy and suddenly Karl is passing by: I feel like everyone moves away and turns around as if you mustn't make an eye-contact with him. Okay, I want to make myself really small and at the same time I'm hypnotized. 




6.40 p.m.: I think I explored everything backstage, I'm starting to see some models arrive. Make-up, hair and jewels make me think of the Paris/Bombay show that I loved, I want it to start! 




6.45 p.m.: I can't seem to leave, I'm going around one more time, I even dare touching. I'm going to wake-up at some point. 




6.52 p.m.: I'm stepping inside the building before going out to take pictures of the guest's arrival, I see my seat: Madame... I'm going from one surprise to another, I think it's safe to say that I have a ringside seat. Make my lemonade with an "e" this time, I like the gesture... 




7.03 p.m.: Okay so this is a double C moucharaby, it is brilliant! I'm a fan of the giant palm trees I feel like they're made with metal, very 50's. Every piece of decoration will then be taken apart and used when the time comes for the boutiques' setting and windows. 


7.05 p.m.: Veiled women put all into make-up and accessorizes, handbags go by two and don't get me started on shoes, always more amazing. 




7.08 p.m.: Every guest is lined on the hard little path, perfect for some street style. Once again it's hard to choose. 




7.10 p.m.: People are losing patience, they want to come in, it's almost electrical, they shuffle, they fan, there still is a scorching heat but the sun goes down really fast. Light declines and the building starts to lighten, the shadows made by the double C are fully realized...



7.14 p.m.: Here it is, everybody goes in, takes pictures in this setting, finds their seat, everyone smiles, must feel terribly important and I, I'm in the middle of all this laughing, my smile is unremovable from my face, I have this feeling that what I am doing worths as much as a real newspaper made out of paper...




7.32 p.m.: It's dark outside and the show starts, I'm too focused behind my camera to hear the music playing, the air is warm and I start to get amazed immediately from the firsts looks. 



7.34 p.m.: I'm craving for golden high waisted jeans and a nude silk shirt, let's not even talk about the moon-shaped strass head jewels.




7.34 p.m.: Chanel re-interprets a whole local imagery from the Dubai skyline to keffieh prints including ancient flowers ceramics. I feel a general Arabic inspiration with many influences, more like a modern One thousands and one nights than an ode to the pure Dubaian culture. 



7.37 p.m.: Handbag passion... A huge thought to Lemarié and another one to my sweet Karuna Balloo. I find on the internet the existence of a golden quilted jerry can shaped handbag, I love that sort of reference, a bit like the "Lait de COCO" one from the last show at the Grand Palais. Yes, I'm charmed.



7.39 p.m.: Those silhouettes are my favorites, their colors, their patterns, the silk and they're so 70's.




7.45 p.m.: Helllooo the neoprene bathing suit DIY for this summer... 




7.47 p.m.: Can you recognize the flowers met at the Lemarié workshop? And the small details of the shoes lightened by led... I admire the facility that Karl Lagerfeld can have to constantly renew, to use creativity and humor as driving forces that put fashion into a fresh and light universe, despite the economical situation. 




7.52 p.m.: Absolute crush on this coat, I already loved the embroidery details on the hanger but now I'm completely in love with the volume of this item when worn. 




8.00 p.m.: Ah Lindsey Wixson... Another incredible moment, she really has an awesome face!




8:12 p.m.: Let's get the party started! It's the rush to interview after the show, the excitement is at its height, I'm mainlining glitters... It's like my groupie moment bis of the night VANESSAAAA... (Sorry Benjamin, you're quite blurry...)




9:17 p.m.: The night continues with Janelle Monae private concert in the One thousand and one nights scenery. What a dynamism this girl!
How crazy ! I just lived 3 waking-dream days. To be able to follow the creative process: from the embroidery implementation in Paris to seeing them come to life in the desert, it was just magical, fragile and ephemeral, literally a mirage. 
Chanel is a pioneer house in making monumental shows: setting up wind pump in the Grand Palais, making a giant handbag from which models would catwalk, re-creating an ice field in Paris, setting up a giant supermarket last February. Seriously, what could they make that'd be more awesome this year? Of course a virgin island in Dubai, a building that came out of the grounds in a few weeks to welcome 1000 guests from every place in the world just for a few hours to celebrate the work of an emblematic house, the ideas of myth and the French handicraft. 

Those photos have been taken with the new Leica T.

May 16, 2014 — lisa gachet



Dominique, fairy and embroideress at Lesage, teaching me how to embroider a piece of the collection which is about to catwalk in a few hours...
Okay so as some of you already know, I'm in Dubai to attend the Chanel Cruise catwalk which theme is Paris/Dubai. Yes you read it well, I'm in Dubai with Chanel, I mean seriously? I want to shout in excitement. Hahaha actually when their sweet press agent contacted me for the Grand Palais catwalk (remember) I almost wanted to cry, and when I received the invitation I went rolling around in my living room. I remember thinking that I could die in peace (almost). What could happen to me regarding Chanel that'd be more awesome, beside drinking a diet coke with Karl in a parallel universe? Nothing. And this sweet press agent called me again about a month ago, I totally remember that moment, my friend Nardjisse unmistakably pregnant in front of me, Charlotte not too far away... And myself, somehow trying to remain normal, yes it's all right, I'm being offered to learn how to embroider a piece of the Cruise collection at the Lesage ateliers and to learn how to make a camellia at Lemarié, and if by any chance I'm available, to go to Dubai for 3 days to attend the catwalk on an island in the desert. ah ah ah try to imagine that moment, the girls intuitively understanding what's happening and totally baffled. I laugh nervously, a huge smile on my face, THANK YOU my lucky star. Of course we listened to Larusso after I hung up, to celebrate. Folie. 



Karl's drawings, and the embroidery tests approved by Chanel
Days fly and D day is here in no time. I already knew the house of Lesage, I'd watch several 'behind the scene' documentaries about the workshop and all the people working there, by the way I advise you to watch the beautiful documentary from Loïc Prigent for Arte called " Signé Chanel ". But getting there I'm surprised by the wave of emotion coming over me, it seems to me that all this savoir-faire and this handicraft are just as important as a piece of art, it's a kind of world heritage we have to protect, and I have the right to be there, to touch, caress, photograph and film it. We're welcomed into the archives where about 60 000 embroider samples from 1805 to nowadays stand alongside. I feel weak, this is a treasure. To tell you the whole story, in 1924 the House of Lesage bought the Albert Michonet embroidery workshop with all its archives. And then from time immemorial, even during war time, the Lesage workshop never stopped creating wonders, in 1997 Chanel bought every luxury handicraft workshops working on its collections, including Lesage and Lemarié which we're going to talk about today. And last year Lesage bought the Lanel workshop and the archives collection got even bigger. 60 000 pieces of history carefully stored in black boxes, filed, dated and exposed in this room. I feel dizzy writing it.


This particular morning with Tania was a time where I felt specially tired, and I didn't know what was going to happen, how were we going to be welcomed, if we'd be disturbing them... And then we got in, we were quite shaken by the archives and now was the time to learn, to discover and to wrap ourselves into beauty, those three things did me good, they fed me. We were looking at each other like two children who just got offered presents. "It's beautiful" was all we could say. People in this workshop are incredibly kind and available, and mostly they're occupied by an unusual desire to give and share. I'm still in shock. 



Better than Disney, I asked Dominique if she could adopt me. 
Even in chaos and stress - because we can't say that they had much of a head start at that time - everything was silent and calm, the place was filled with light, it was almost divine. I meet Dominique, the embroideress who is going to teach me how to embroider, and she tells me that we are not faster when stressed and troubled. Amen. This woman is a fairy. 



I discovered that the embroideresses of the workshop are the one to offer embroidery samples for the Chanel collection. Indeed, the theme of the collection and the color range are set and then each person offers her/his own variation on the given theme. I imagine how proud you must be when your pattern is selected for the show! 




 You can find the Lemarié workshop under the same roof, which handle all the feathers and flowers realization, but also the sewing. Well not the sewing in term of assembling the clothe but really all the work at the surface, for instance sewing with the machine all these little neoprene white flowers. Or like on the picture below, sewing all these multicolors flowers together to create an openwork bedflower. It is the ennoblement of the surface. 



I feel like making you a little "swimming cap" bathing suit DIY inspired by Chanel with hundreds of white neoprene little flowers!
And the visit of the workshops ended with a little camellia class with Elsa, the head of the Flowers workshop (awesome title don't you think? Head of Flowers).




I have to admit I was much less at ease than with the embroidery, it was really technical and the use of the little burning ball to preform every petal was quite impressive. I didn't know the gestures and I was too focused on how not to burn myself to listen to Elsa's directions. But still it really made me want to try again... A camellia like this one takes about 20 minutes to make but the most complex of them can take up to 4 hours... 




And TA-DA! A 10000 thank-yous to Angélique and Agnès for this magical opportunity! To Elsa and Dominique for their passion and patience. And I see you tomorrow with the pictures of the show! I'm heading to the desert ! 







May 13, 2014 — lisa gachet


My chestnuts! My birdies! My little cats! My little butternuts! 

A hundred times thank you for your words that were so cool and so true, it made me happy to read you day after day, and for your perfect e-mails ! THANK YOU so I'm back after a short break but a break nonetheless. Okay I didn't get to be as lazing around as I'd want to but the dark rings under my eyes are less visible than they were ten days ago and I don't want to cry the minute I receive an email anymore and that is totally a good sign... I can't wait to read your reactions to this new design, this new start! In short I'm excited about my new resolutions, excited to learn how to say "no" and "stop", excited to take care of myself (yes I'm crazy). And also excited to be in charge of launching new beautiful projects, things that are so awesome that I can't sleep at night (because I look forward to the next day to start not because I'm too stressed to sleep: huge difference!). I'd say that passion, or something like that, is back... As if I needed to leave to make a better return, to take stock of my wishes and to list my priorities, to make a clean sweep in my life. 



So I read the comments that ask for the "Lisa from the beginning". Well I have bad news for you: I don't know what you're talking about, well I know but to me this blog is the place where I try and share things, I also work, and I think that obviously I'm not the same person than two years ago. The way I write, the topics I want to discuss here, the way I take pictures, all of theses have changed and that's for the best. To me change, movement and knowing how to question yourself, that's what really matters. So yes I want to be more spontaneous, to make things light-heartedly again and to get back to some carefreeness around here. DIY, looks, encounters... the BASICS! I sure want more weekly sharing! So I hope you'll still be there and that our love story will start again because one more time, if I am where I am today, it is also a lot thanks to you! 

So I wanted some change and most importantly, I didn't want to do it all myself... I did every last versions of the site myself, from the artistic direction (which I love, that's not the problem) to the graphic design (which isn't my job and I have no perspective about it), so much that when the site came out I couldn't stand it anymore already. This time I made my little mood board and I threw some ideas around. I decided to trust my sweet Alexandra Bruel - I told you about her here, but you're going to see her more often around here! Alexandra made me some propositions and ideas went off, I re-worked the little goodies with paper: the bottle (that empties when you scroll down...), the little fan (which gives you any random article), the blind from the lemonade booth (which hangs at the top of your page) and so on ! So I'll let you wander around this new design, ok the Workshop/Book/About isn't completely finished but it will come soon with portraits of every contributors of the website. There are some small things to finish but the majority of the work is now done! And great news: the mobile version is now great, I'd even say maximized, after being a mess for a year you can now navigate on the mobile website without your eyes bleeding... So you can get your daily dose of lemonade even in the bus... 

So THANK YOU Alexandra, my sweet sweet love for your talent put in the service of make my lemonade... And most of all a mountain of THANK-YOUS to Julien from fashion trends who masterfully developed it all while being very patient and watchful during every of my untimely calls which all started by " Okay wait I have an idea, what if... ". Thanks ! 
Ps: Go have a look at the golden lemon in the comments below and at the paper map of the world in the Trip section! Je vous love fort! 
Aleandra's first mock-ups:



May 12, 2014 — lisa gachet




My sweeties, 

I am a little tired lately, I realized I'm running after time, I have lots of articles ready but not really the desire to post them. So why? Because I feel tired... A little stunned to see days go in an instant and to tell myself "Crap I didn't post today whereas I promised I would... " I feel guilty not to be here as often as I used to, it sucks I know. I feel like I've already written this article but I know that today I'm honest with myself. I'm tired. I feel dry... Like a ficus you'd have forgotten to water... In our case I simply forgot to take care of myself for a while. I've thrown myself headlong into my work, reports, moving in and out, workshops, the new design and the writing of a new book... And so I don't have anymore juice for make my lemonade, no more lemons... 

But don't worry I want this blog to keep going just as much as in the beginning, it makes me live extraordinary adventures! Simply not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow. I was reading this article on the very good Eleonore Bridge and I thought it was too good of an echo of what I felt not to tell you about it. 

Elodie, in her post, questions the shootings with big productions that are too elaborated: hairdressers, make-up artists. Aren't this perfectionism and this hardliner attitude the antipodes of the freshness and spontaneity making a blog is all about? It is what I ask myself as well. I think that I might have restrained myself into a too perfect aesthetic. And my blog is fed with my work and vice-versa: it is my virtual business card... Haaa you see, too many questions... Because in the end I want to post more often but I don't want to post anything any way... If only I had as much time as ideas. Okay, let's breathe, make some tea and I'll be back soon better than new, not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow... 

Sweet kisses and I leave you with this extraordinary report for the Queensland's tourist information center I was lucky to do with Juliette from the great "I don't know how to choose blog, I'll post my travel journal really soon (THANK YOU a million times to Sabrina for thinking about me...). But before that the one from Thailand has been ready for a while and I'd like to give it to you. I was just waiting for the situation in Bangkok to get better in order not to feed any polemic.


April 28, 2014 — lisa gachet




I am soo glad about how extraordinarily you've welcomed Charlotte here, I'm sure her section will grow fast! But let's talk about our daily topic and as you can see the blog is slowly but surely back on track and the arrival of our new office in our life is a revolution!

I don't know if you remember it but back in January I was talking about Facebook contests I'd like to launch and life caught up and I was literally overwhelmed, I realize it now but how great it was! So as I was saying in my previous article, I'm often asked by brands to organize all sorts of contests but I think that all these contests around the internet are quite complicated and not always of a very good quality and very consistent but it's only my opinion anyway. Besides contests already exist on Make My Lemonade, I generally do them via the comments below or via Instagram and I offer you some of the hardest finished DIY! And I started them to thank you for your fidelity (every 1000 new followers on the MML Facebook page...)

So it's simply natural that I wanted to create a new bonus goodie on my facebook page to cover you with gifts! So yes, stay in touch, I'm thinking about creating a new banner or telling you in the newsletter about the new contest to come because today is exceptional, it is the first one but afterwards we'll be back to our regular activities...




And today we get off to a good start, I'm happy to collaborate with Sony to have you win 3 Sony Xperia Z1 Compact! Real killers I talked to you about during last Fashion week. See you at hereI'm counting on you to be creative! 

Moreover Sony offered me to be one of the 5 " Never Shot " people along with Keziah Jones, Pauline Lefèvre, Christophe Willem and Taïg Khris... " Never Shot " in other words is to immortalize a moment that I loved living and I wasn't able to capture. Never Shot " in other words is to immortalize a moment that I loved living and I wasn't able to capture. So how can I say that? Because I, Lisa Gachet, am nobody... And when the Sony team asked me which moment I'd like to live and relive, well there were hundreds but nothing very photogenic really... I'm not really anyone's groupie, I went on beautiful trips but it's quite complicated to go back just for a shooting... So I quite wanted to immortalize the fact that I'm working like a mad Shiva because if there's something I like more than anything is to get up in the morning to go to work... I think the Never Shot team looked at me like I was an alien... And if I really think about it, the moment I love more than anything isn't really a moment, it's my life in Paris, my own kind of Erasmus... Paris and everything this city taught me. So no, I didn't pilot a plane, I didn't go to the Olympia, nor won a Boxing game and certainly didn't jump out of the Eiffel tower with rollerblades... My moment simply is my little life in Paris... 

That wasn't an easy task... But you, what is the moment you'd like to live and relive?





Photo taken with the famous Xperia Z1 compact and that's it! Big hugs and I'll be back soon with lots of recipes, DIYs and looks, I missed you!!!!

April 23, 2014 — lisa gachet

Daily Lemonade #1


My little chestnuts, 

Some time ago I promised you this new making of section, well the person who is going to handle it is Charlotte S., I hope you'll enjoy it! Without another word I leave it to Charlotte who is going to animate this section, you cannot imagine how stressed I am since I'm not great with all this delegating process, but I know Charlotte will be perfect, she proved it to me a hundred times before...

Time has come to finally start this new section that I'm proud to write: as you probably already know these past few weeks were full of strong emotions for Lisa and I with moving out and moving in and every other daily adventures. So it is only today that I can share all of it with you and who you some Make My Lemonade backstage. Some pictures are from a few weeks back and it's true we were overwhelmed but I promise to fix all of it really soon. We noticed you enjoyed the Comptoir des Cotonniers video and other "Making of" moments so I hope you'll like the section and I'll be able to make it a regular thing!

I felt like I had to make Frida star of the first picture with this perfect moment from the vide-dressing where it was quite hard for her to let some things go. This vide-dressing was such a good time, you were numerous to come and it was definitely lighter on the moving out part! Frida had quite a hard time with it but let me reassure you, she is now fully happy in her new home and she's almost completely stopped chewing tape...




Day 2 after moving in: in the middle of the " assembly of IKEA furnitures " session, Lisa never wastes a minute and her phone never stops ringing ! And because we are evolving all the time, like little pokemons, we are now the pro of furnitures assembly.




Frida, everyday our best ally, tries everything we want her to. She is our fan #1 and our best support, almost always ready to give us a paw. Here she wears the first prototype of a paper shoe, you might have discovered the final version in the last Newsletter (and if you still haven't subscribe yet you know what you have to do).




We are finally in: the new office! It really wasn't an easy deal but as Freddy would say: "we are the champions my friend"! So okay we still have some tidying to do but this office is like the Graal: Lisa has been talking about it for months, because working on her couch is nice but it sometimes prevents us from being productive (yes because playing with Friday takes at least an hour a day...). But we now will be able to be at our best and to flood you with new posts! Frida, if you read this, know that my heart hurts from not seeing you anymore but we had to... Don't question yourself it's not you it's me...




You might have already seen it on Instagram: last friday we spent the day at Disney's! Okay let me stop you now: it was for a good cause! A few days ago the famous attraction "It's a small world" turned 50! 50 years old of dreams for everyone in the family and 50 years old of the same catchy song... Anyway for the occasion Lisa was asked to imagine a new outfit for a doll! She accepted without a second thought and we decided to dress the nice Japanese one!




As you can see I'm quite "the doll whisperer". Since Lisa was in Australia at that time, I was in charge of the production of the dress (with Lisa as an inspector at the end!). With a few days of work and lots of paper cut, our doll came out with a nice kimono covered in hundreds of paper flowers. Every designers' doll are available to see at Disney's until summer and will then be sold at auction to bring - hopefully - lots of money to Unicef.




Yesterday was for us the occasion to see our doll exhibited but mostly to discover a place that everybody has once dreamed to know if it existed: the Disney's costumes creation workshop! I'm not going to say another word, you'll discover it in a while... 




Okay so that was a little recap of our last adventures. Sweet kisses and I'll talk to you soon! (I think about a little nickname for you, I hope you too one day will be my little cats or my little otters...)

Charlotte S. 

April 21, 2014 — lisa gachet




Thank you my little cupcakes! 

I think that all I wanted for me to happen since January is actually happening... I mean, have a awesome assistant, a new flat, an office (YEAAAHH!)... I'm grateful. Exhausted but extremely happy, there are tons of topics that I'd like to share with you and it seems that conditions are great and favorable to the creation of lots of new posts! I want to develop the DIY section with DIY made of paper and we start today.




But first of all I'd like to thank you for your love and patience. I was lucky to meet some of you last wednesday. It was a little bit crazy, I thought I was Johnny Halliday or someone like him (all proportions kept...). Though I wasn't very at ease with this real character of myself - because yes when I started this blog I chose to hide behind my computer screen, and suddenly it was chocking to find myself deep into reality. Thank you for your looks, your words and all the kindness you displayed during the night. I couldn't have imagined a better way to celebrate the 2-years-old anniversary of Make my lemonade than meeting you...




Okay back to our topic, I'd like to talk about Little Fashion Gallery with whom I work on a regular basis. A while ago they launched their "MIAM" collection (I'm dreaming about the "MIAM" sweater and hope it could exist in 16-years-old) and their awesome new website. For this yummy collection I imagined a whole set with french fries, burgers, giant cupcakes but also donut headbands and hotdogs: as you see everything is just fine with my head. I literally loved making the stylization of this series, the collections on the website are really fresh and I regret not to be 6 in 2014. But luckily lots of babies are arriving in my family and friends and I'm about to enjoy it! Pictures were taken by Gaetan Bernard and the modifications made by Charlotte Evrardthe stylization assistant is Léonie Escolivet and the set design assistant Charlotte Sagory. Make up and hair were done by Nelly Chatagnon from the great Make my beauty.




Today it's a double post: a little of EYE CANDY and a little of DIY because yes today you're about to know how to make paper donuts from this Little Fashion Gallery series set design. You can offer a range of those donuts as for a photocall, invitations or fill them with confetti, once again have fun!





Cost: nothing since it's just paper

Time: less than 30 minutes for the first one, and even less for the following ones! 

Difficulty: easy if you're not watching Game of Thrones at the same time




To make this DIY, you will need: 

  • 9 stripes of beige paper (template to download here)

  • 9 stripes of pink paper (or any color you want the icing to be, template here)

  • Confetti or glitter! 

  • A ruler

  • Some glue

  • A blunt scalpel




In the first phase use the ruler and the blunt scalpel to draw grooves and make the folding easier (use the notch as markers) 




Then fold every part and repeat the drawing operation with the icing part! 




Glue the pink icing onto the bauge paper, edge on edge! (You can choose to make your icing with paint if you want) 



Roll up every strip and glue it in order to obtain the 9 parts of your donut. 




You can already catch a glimpse of the future donut!  




Put some glue onto the parts' stripes. 




Be precise and patient to get a neat result: slot the parts together and wait a few minutes for the glue to dry. 




Once your donut is entirely made, you can go to the confetti step. 




Drop some glue onto your confetti and glue them one by one onto your donut, either randomly or not! 

And TA-DA !



April 20, 2014 — lisa gachet




Happy Friday! 

Oh thank you for all your sweet words from last article, I'm saying it again but you are the best, definitely I can't wait to meet you next Wednesday! In the meantime, I'd like to talk about another pretext to meet: WORKSHOP! And the last one was one of the best ones with Petit Bateau! This workshop was actually more than one because with Léo, whom I work with on workshops, we visited a few cities to meet the best Petit Bateau customers and their children and we made endless DIY! It was so nice to do that with kids, if you knew how smart they are, very at ease and here they were taking more to make at home! We so are the DIY trailer!




For all of these workshops I tried to work on the Origami and folding theme because Petit Bateau set up a beautiful campaign called "Ready to fold", the brand gives an origami set for every visit to the shop even if you don't buy anything. This set contains a book and every character is available to make in origami... So adorable, but how to make origami with some fabric with no iron nor sewing machine (security matters, it would be too easy otherwise) well I schemed with a baize windmill to clip with press studs and it was nice to watch the children customizing their striped-shirt happy like adults! Today I'm reviewing the workshop with you my dear readers!



Well for this session we customized Petit Bateau marinièresessential and emblematic pieces of the brand. The first thing was about making these famous windmills, a stretching exercice, disturbingly easy and as a matter of fact I'll make a DIY about it very soon. On another marinière we made cockades with subliminal messages with the help of badge-maker, and to remain in the Origami theme, after folding some baize and some ribbons, we made little paper ice-cream to then make a mobile. Given the excitement resulting its realization I also think it will be a pretext to another DIY post. I must admit that bringing the "Silhouette Cameo" machine which cuts the paper might have helped a little.




It was also the first time since the beginning of workshops that I felt so at ease, much more relaxed, a little less impressed than the previous times. A beautiful afternoon with a joyful and colorful mess, " newly " ice-creams were siding with divine Marlette cakes, I didn't want to go home, I could have folded ice-creams until dusk and drunk liter of tea... But all good things come to an end... Rendez-vous in less than a month for the next one!



I'd like to say thank you again... To Karline and all the Petit Bateau team for their tryst and help with this DIY tour, and btw tomorrow I'll be in Aix-en-Provence! To Kusmi Tea for spoiling us, to Malette for feeding us, and btw you should all run to the Marlette Café51 rue des Martyrs! Find all of our partners from our workshops here! To Franck for its welcome in the Encore restaurant. To Léa for this beautiful short video! To Léo for its perfect sense of organization and to Charlotte S. Russo for her saving of the workshop from catastrophe! You can see all the pictures of this workshop here!




During this session I was amazed to find a participant from the last session with Tara Jarmonhow tenacious and fast with internet you are Mélanie! So yes, how to participate in the next workshop? Well it's simple, you simply need to subscribe to the newsletter and you'll be told about the next sale date, you'll just have to stay in touch... The next workshop will be with a brand with a name starting with an S... It's a mystery but if you are as obsessive as I am you should like it! 


April 11, 2014 — lisa gachet



Jumpsuit Anna StudioTshirt Yazbukey, jacket April May.

My chestnuts, my kitties, my butter cookies, my birdies... 

Okay, I don't know how many times I tried to write this articles... Last month, Make My Lemonade turned 2... And I think you realized my life is quite "out of control" lately... but TWO YEARS OLD !!! Do you realize how fast it went ? Two years in a hellish hurly-burly of love, hard work, amazing encounters, princesses' trip, crazy collaborations, and a book... And soon more will come! 

Sometime, I think about my life before the blog and the person I was (and still am hopefully... But it's undeniable that I've changed) and even though all this is just an URL address, a website within the immensity of the internet, well I'm fulfilled because you and me we found each other. You words truly get to me, they make me grow up, get confidence and they especially make me want to go further, to be a better person and to develop a bigger creativity every day. When I doubt, I look a few second back and I move forward, I don't ask myself a 100 questions anymore and for that THANK YOU, and for the rest THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU...



Dress Petit BateauDenim jacket Petit BateauHat Studies

So of course I have great ambitions for this website, crazy ideas, I feel like I say that every month but I think I'm getting there for real, with the arrival of an office in my life, a space for the "lemonade studio". The blog's new design will be here soon, very powerful with great goodies for you, a shop with some things and all... My, I am only love! 

And to make things even better today, the Exception, the awesome e-shop, and I are associating to invite you to a POLKA PARTY for the 2 years anniversary of the blog, at Carmen, 34 rue Duperré, 75009, station Pigalle, on Wednesday 16th at 9 pm, which is actually next week! Come as you are with polkadots or stripes... Subscribe ! And you'll be spoiled because we are organizing a huge tombola, a great tombola even with about 30 presents, jewelries: Alice Hubert, Yazbukey, Anne Thomas, Adeline Cacheuxdesigners clothes like Ambrym, When I was, By Zoé, Nailmatic nail polish sets, a make-up class shu uemura, My jolie candle candles, Champagne Zarb, Tammy & Benjamin handbags, shoes and more ! Lots of surprises! Thank you to Régis & Maeva and to all their L'exception team to make it possible!



And these two years allowed me to have amazing encounters, on the top of my head I'm thinking about Mai from superbytimaiFred from Cut by Fred, Lili from my recreationthat's for my personal squad. But there is also Nardjisse from mots de mode, my rock, who set me straight when I have a light moment of doubt... And Anne R., the sweetest and kindliest person there is and working with her is always so peaceful. And of course Charlotte S. Russo, who became vital to this small company... So is Tania Houlbert, amazing film-maker! And these aren't encounters but I have to tell them how important they are to make my lemonade (and to me, on a side-note) my sweet mom my auto-correct, Mariloulou my brilliant translator, Alexandra B and Justice B... Because they know why... And to all the other bloggers I meet whenever I go out, even though I never stay late I'm always glad to see you, to exchange a few words and of course to have a great laugh. Small edit because of course I forget a lot of people, I'd like to thank Léo for its support and flawless professionalism even I can sometimes be totally annoying, it doesn't mean I love you less... I'm so so sorry for this oversight.



Top Constance Boutetpants JCDC and earrings Yazbukey

And thank you to Nelly from Make my beautyto Tania for this short movie (god I love this song!!), to Manu Fauque for the pictures and gifs! and thank you again to Régis for being a super "gif-maker", to Maeva for that day's soundtrack! THANK YOU!!!


April 10, 2014 — lisa gachet