Be my valentine

Yes, I know Valentine's Day sucks, it's a commercial holiday celebrated only by the victims of capitalism. But seriously, if someone gives you flowers on February 14th, are you really going to throw them away because it's against your principles? "Oh no, darling, put that away! river of diamondsYou're just a victim of our consumer society," Seriously? Okay, okay, I can see that for single people, it's a pain in the ass, all this dripping love. But it's a good opportunity to have a nice meal, to say we love each other (I'm a Care Bear today). But I can see you saying yes, but we shouldn't need a special day of the year to say 'I love you', we should say it every day. You're being very disingenuous, it doesn't hurt anyone to have a bit of kitsch, and to top it all off, we're listening to Paolo Conté at full blast.

Have a nice day!

PS: my love, this is not my list to Santa...

Paolo Conte - Via Con Me

Necklace fortune cookie, etsy $76

Diana Minilomography, €59

Ring heart, $45

Umbrella heart,19,40£

Print Kitten + false lashes, $70

A bouquet of peonies, my favorite flowers, also works!

February 09, 2012 — lisa gachet

Black & White Party

I know I'm about 2 months behind schedule, which is almost as long as it took me to organize this party, but I just had to have time to digest it! It was incredible, both the preparation and the way the evening unfolded. I was under a bit of pressure, though, as it was my first Christmas in our home sweet home in Paris, and I think it was also the feeling of becoming an adult... But what an adventure, preparing Christmas for 10... I realized the magnitude of it all on the morning of the 24th, in my 3 m2 kitchen, on my one and only worktop, dishes piling up, all the members of my family suddenly 4 years old, trying by all means to infiltrate the famous gigantic kitchen, not forgetting Frida, the mini-cat who picks up absolutely every ingredient that accidentally falls on the floor, etc... Apart from some shaky logistics due to lack of space, it was great, everyone played the game, yes because there was a dress code, (I'm like that what do you want ...) sequins, glitter, glitter for the chicks and bow tie tuxedo for guys, it was famous coming from them ... that, that was Christmas. THANK YOU again for everything,


February 09, 2012 — lisa gachet

The invitation

And here's the famous invitation, I found the envelopes and the string ( divine twist, that's its adorable name ) on the website Milk &Paper which I love, for the little envelopes I looked for miniatures for a long time, but as the date was approaching I finally decided to make them myself (super easy, fatoche even...).

Have a nice evening!

<3 Lisa

February 06, 2012 — lisa gachet

small stationery

Good evening everyone,

I wanted to show you my Christmas stationery... yes, I know, I'm a month and a half late... but in my defense, my Christmas was black & white with a bit of kraft and nothing very traditionally green & red, so it's perfectly reusable for any event. So this year, it was my home in Paris, the first time I'd organized a Christmas party, and I wanted to do something a little special, of course. I wanted to go for the Alice in Wonderland theme, but in a remastered version, so I drew each member of my family as a "totem" animal. Of course, I didn't draw anyone as a cod or a toad... And so each invitation was personalized with these illustrations... I'm showing you my nieces as little mice... I must admit I had a lot of fun making all these little things, and I think printing on kraft paper is a great, inexpensive trick that's really eye-catching. I highly recommend it!

February 06, 2012 — lisa gachet