Happy Monday, kittens! The recipe for avocado toast isn't exactly revolutionary, but today I'm using the food section as an excuse to tell you a little about myself... I think the trait that defines me most is my impatience. I'm always saying that [...].
May 11, 2015 — Lisa


Lorenzo P. and his paper weapon in a lemon outfit. Happy Saturday, my little cats! Let's end this week with another episode of Good People... If you're not familiar with the site, this is a section where I introduce you to people who are dear to me, who inspire me, who have a unique [...].
May 02, 2015 — Lisa


  Aaaaaahh my little cats, here comes Frida! I'm happy, stressed out but terribly happy! My fingertips are touching my dreams... I'm smiling so hard, it's really happening, something big is going on around here, the biggest thing that's ever happened to Make My [...].
April 30, 2015 — Lisa


  Good Monday company, I hope you had a delicious weekend... Today I'm bringing you a recipe for matcha tea Liège waffles. I don't know if you remember, but a while ago I told you about a great restaurant called IBAJI, where I tried sesame waffles [...].
April 27, 2015 — Lisa


  Hello my little cats! Yes, you're not dreaming, it looks like the blog has changed a bit over the last few days... Well, nothing crazy, I grant you, but still! Personally, I love it, ahah isn't that nice? I find it fresher, as if the facade had been repainted [...].
April 25, 2015 — Lisa


  My little cats, I've been wanting to write this post for so long, but I didn't really know where to start. I don't think I know the truth, because I make plenty of mistakes, but I think I needed some time to mature this post. Without further ado, I [...]
April 23, 2015 — Lisa

Alexander McQueen at the V&A

  Hey my little love cats, I'd like to tell you some beautiful words of love, this sunshine makes me want to coo and hand out lemonade with my stand on wheels in the streets of the Sentier, all afternoon instead of working. It's like fuel for the neurons [...].
April 21, 2015 — Lisa


Hello my little cats, I'd promised you a Happy Friday but unfortunately I'm bedridden, which just goes to show that spring doesn't have all its good points... So today, a simple and effective DIY: the idea came to me a few months ago when I spotted this woman wearing a hat at the Chanel fashion show, and [...]...
April 17, 2015 — Lisa

Jimmy Fairly x Make My Lemonade Volume II

  Hello my little cats! I'm writing to you today to tell you about the famous collaboration with eyewear manufacturer Jimmy Fairly! Not because I've lost my old pair of Lemon, but because the first September edition drove you crazy! The pink and mirrored sunglasses and the black and white [...]
April 15, 2015 — Lisa

Les Belles Adresses - Haberdashery

  Hello little Seamstresses! Since the start of Make My Lemonade, many of you have been wondering where to buy supplies and where to find the right fabrics. We thought it would be a good idea to give you a few nice (or at least useful) addresses, both on the Internet and in our [...].
April 14, 2015 — Lisa


  Hello my little cats! I hope your weekend was sunny, personally I'm on top form, I'm recharged with vitamin D! We've had over 5 days of sunshine in one week, so you could say spring has sprung! I'm in a trance, the "sun dance" and [...]
April 13, 2015 — Lisa


  Hello my little cats! I'm back, or at least we're back! We've had a crazy 10 days at the office, between a whirlwind of love and the preparation of lots of shoots for a new project... Everyone's been hard at work, so we've been a little [...].
April 08, 2015 — Lisa