Hello my little cats,

I'd promised you a Happy Friday, but unfortunately I'm bedridden, which just goes to show that spring doesn't have all its good points... So today, a simple and effective DIY: the idea came to me a few months ago when I spotted this woman wearing a hat at the Chanel fashion show, and my heart went berserk! Not only did these little pieces add real personality to the hat, they also made a little noise as the woman moved, mesmerizing me like a child hearing the sweet music of the ice cream truck! So I added it to my list of DIY projects. I'm sharing my technique with you today. It's very simple, a little long, but I'm sure it won't stop you!

Cost: 10€ excluding hat
Time: 2 hours or 2 good episodes of Game Of Thrones
Difficulty: Easy and effective!

For this DIY you'll need:

  • A hat, in this case a Asos,
  • A punch or large needle,
  • Silver pins (like long, thin nails),
  • Small silver rings,
  • pieces with holes (found at Jacky perles, 38 rue Pastourelle 75003),
  • Cutting pliers,
  • Flat-nose pliers.

To begin, take your punch and make the first hole.

Thread a rod through the hole and cut it to within 1cm of the edge using your wire cutters.

Wrap the rod around itself with the flat-nose pliers to form a ring. Now take a silver ring, open it and thread the coin onto it.

Hook the ring with the coin onto the hat ring and close tightly! Continue like this, using the hat seams as a guide, one piece every 3 stitches, depending on your hat.

Be brave, you know the result is going to be great and you're going to find something to look at while you're doing it, right up to the famous: Ta-Da!

And now here are the results you've all been waiting for! Thanks a million for your entries, it's always a pleasure to read your anecdotes and your enthusiasm, and congratulations to the winners. You can e-mail us at [email protected]

The winner of the embroidery initiation at Lesage is Anna MGT and her embroidered scarf!

Contest winner Jimmy Fairly x Make My Lemonade is Djelissa La Binocle!

April 17, 2015