My little cats,

 I can't wait for 2014! So many projects and desires on the horizon. Step by step, I'm building, I'm learning, and I'm structuring myself too, it's certain that 2014 is going to be rich for Make My Lemonade, business to follow...

I hope you're all well and that you've had a good rest over the last few days... Rested, yes, you'll need to be, because you'll need to be in shape for tomorrow evening... And above all, you'll need to be on your toes, because later today, something tells me that 10 new places will go on sale for the next Workshop... (The name of the next partner will be announced at the end of this article...)

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about the December workshop with Uniqloa great first for me to do a DIY workshop in a boutique as crowded as a Uniqlo on boulevard Haussmann on Christmas Eve... It was quite a challenge, and I must admit I wasn't very comfortable from the start... We were literally in the middle of the store, but finally when I met the participants (contest winners!) and discovered that they were just as freaked out as I was, once we got into the deep end and started waving our ten fingers around, everything went smoothly, of course...

I'm repeating myself, but I love meeting you, I love putting faces to readers. It may seem silly to you, but for me, sitting comfortably behind my screen, it's very difficult to visualize you reading to me, refreshing the page in anticipation of fresh content, jumping in to leave a comment... In the end, it seems so abstract and crazy to imagine you... And every time it's nothing but love... Pfffffiiiou you'll see how good 2014 is going to be for you, for your ten fingers, for your appetite for DIY, all that... I'm preparing a sporty creative program and lots of goodies for you, the blog's users, but we'll talk about that in a few days...

Getting back to our "Make my Uniqlo", the challenge was to come up with 2 easy DIYs, because we didn't have a full afternoon, just 2 hours, and these DIYs had to make an impact anyway... So I chose two good basics: one straight-cut jeans and let's face it, the Japanese are probably the best when it comes to this type of product, which we came to customize with a pencil eraser as a stamp and fabric paint. The girls were free to make neatly aligned, psychorigid polka dots (yes, polka dots have a complex psychology) or to make polka dots in crazy confetti mode. And then there's another piece, the "complex" DIY for consistency and dessert, the Tunisianon which we made a removable pierrot collar (with little snaps)...

I'll let you discover the video and see you tomorrow on the blog's Eshop to get your place for the next workshop on Sunday January 26 with Tara Jarmon!

December 30, 2013