

Happy New Year my little chestnuts! 

I gave myself an extra day to recover from the atomic New Year's Eve party on the 31st... But they say you can wish for the New Year until the end of January, so I'm wide open...

So here I am, wishing you love (obviously), health (we don't think about it when we're feeling well, but it's terribly important), work (lots of work), creativity (especially), travel (lots) and (inspiring) encounters... Wonderful 2014 to you all... 

I'd like to take advantage of this little post to tell you about what's new in 2014. I'm not going to tell you everything, but there are going to be some new things, not radical changes, but little tools and other goodies to make sure you don't lose a drop of your lemonade...

Workshops: Nothing revolutionary, but I'm writing this because I receive emails about them literally every day. Workshops are organized every month and for 2014 there's going to be a good crowd... There are 10 places put online and not one more. I don't want to put them online for subsequent workshops, because all the organizational parameters and other partnerships aren't always set in stone months in advance. Besides, it gives me the opportunity to give you monthly updates on the blog. What's more, if you've subscribed to the newsletter, I'll be announcing the day and time when these tickets go on sale at that time (I'll tell you more about the newsletter in a few lines).

Comments and the Golden Lemon Ahhhh the Golden Lemon but what's this thing again? 

Well, first of all, comments are one of my biggest frustrations with the blog. I'd so much like to reply to all of you... But you should know that I read every single one of your comments and that if I had to reply to every single one of you, it would take me all day and I'd hardly do anything else, so it's very simple, my resolution-and you'll be the first to see its repercussions-is to reply to you as soon as you ask me a question like, "What brand of nail polish do you use?"How do you wash that embroidered sweater?" and so on. That, count me in, would be done. But for 2014, I wanted to give you a little wink that I've set up with the help of a virtuoso of HTLM code (thanks again Julien): the Golden Lemon, to show you that I'm here, that I'm present, that I read you all. The Golden Lemon will be awarded to the best, funniest, most inspiring, most touching, coolest comment under the article of the day (1 per article). Because I know you're prickly, bubbly and chatty, I wanted to make this blog a space for sharing, where you too can express yourselves. So the choice of this comment will be perfectly arbitrary... Not to say that the other comments suck, but it's just a wink, a little crush from you to me, don't think of it as anything more than that... just a bonus...


Screenshot 2014-01-02 at 15.34.33


Facebook contests: I've read on several occasions that you think I don't do enough contests on the blog... It's true, but it's a choice, I don't feel like changing my editorial line to tell you about one product more than another... So I'm not saying I'll NEVER, EVER do one here... But I'm setting up two contests every month on my facebook, with beautiful brands, all photographed and set up lemon sauce style... Because you're coming soon 20 000you crazy people! And I think it's important to thank you by being able to offer you gifts on a regular basis. For me, facebook is just a bonus, and it's also an opportunity to post exclusive content... 

And then the Newsletter: It will be launched this year in February (finally! It took me a long time), but I've been a bit on my own up until now... But now, Make My Lemonade has grown and when there are two of us, we can now talk about a team, I think! So in this newsletter, I'll be announcing the date and time when tickets go on sale for the workshops, the partners for the Facebook competitions and a little news about the DIY you liked last month!  




On that note, I'll leave you with a hug and a kiss, as you can see I've got a lot of work to do! I wish you all the best and I'll tell you about my new resolutions in a future article! Love my lovely followers... Lisa banana

January 02, 2014