hey Girls! I'm 6 meters tall, you'll have to scroll your screen to see all of me, ahah! I like to do this bun + heels combo because everyone tells me "But have you done something? have you lost weight?" And no, guys, I'm 1m80 tall, so I'd like you to think that I'm [...].
June 29, 2012 — lisa gachet

Baruckello X Make My Lemo

Hello, a little while ago, as chance would have it, and the blogosphere is a very small place, I was contacted by the online retailer Baruckello, to come and take photos in my apartment of their pieces mixed with clothes from my dressing room, a little section they call [...].
June 28, 2012 — lisa gachet


via http://www.theresesennerholt.se/ Hello, it's Wednesday and it's DIY! A bit of decorating, because a long time ago, I had also prepared a DIY to put on your head... YET (you're going to tell me) but that'll have to wait... Some time ago now, while looking for inspiration for our new apartment, I came across this [...].
June 27, 2012 — lisa gachet


Oyé mes petits poulets, I'm posting late on this Monday, but I've decided to have a slow blog post day, which means I wanted to take my time today, just to take it easy until my vacations come around (well, the 1st round of my vacations)... Yes, because it's a lot of work [...].
June 25, 2012 — lisa gachet


Happy Friday todos! Frida week is coming to an end, and I didn't want to give you a super didactic look with a pretty long skirt, an embroidered blouse, a fringed shawl and a lot of jewelry, but I did want to do a Frida 2.0 look. A Frida who chases 500 projects and [...]
June 22, 2012 — lisa gachet


Fiiiioooooouuuuuuu, I have to confess something, I have solid gold friends and not just a little and a lover who is also great ... (because yesterday was my birthday and they were wonderful ...) Thank you 100 000 times for your little words that have touched me, moved all that, I'm so marshmallow these [...].
June 21, 2012 — lisa gachet

DIY Frida's hair...

YOUHOU it's WEDNESDAY! And here's the Frida DIY! I apologize in advance for the quality of the video, I hope you won't hold it against me, but I think if you watch it small it should be fine, I can't explain this little blur, although I did everything the same as for the first one, it [...].
June 20, 2012 — lisa gachet

El Guacamole!

Whoa! Frida week means I'll be serving you clichés all week (or nearly all week), so I thought I'd make you a dessert with speculos and strawberries, and who knows why my mind makes strange connections: Frida= Speculos must be a color thing.... And then I felt like making a [...]
June 19, 2012 — lisa gachet

Frida inspirations

Hola! the theme week starts here! and after a week of polka dots, mint and neon pink, this time I'm moving on to something a little more substantial, if I may say so... FRIDA KAHLO, you've probably heard of her, this wonderful surrealist Mexican artist from the 30s, 40s and even 50s, [...].
June 18, 2012 — lisa gachet

Good people #3 Alexandra B.

Third part of "les gens bien": my friend Alexandra B. For those of you who've just arrived, "les gens bien" is a section where I introduce you to some great people: they don't necessarily have a blog, they're not necessarily textbooks, but they're funny, kind, intelligent and beautiful (sometimes at the same time) and simply [...].
June 17, 2012 — lisa gachet


A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail from the incredible Maï, proposing a Beauty Portrait on her blog... I had discovered her site some time before her e-mail and couldn't believe it! I did a dance of joy (you know, the dance of the good news, the successful exam, the great [...]).
June 16, 2012 — lisa gachet

Happy Friday #15

Happy friday! Today I'm going to tell you the story of this pair of shoes... Because obviously if you follow me a bit you know that my closet is full of H&m, Asos and Zara and that a pair of louboutins would be a bit out of context or rather out of budget... But in life I'm varnished, so I can [...]
June 15, 2012 — lisa gachet