Happy Friday! 

Kitties, I'm ending this week with looks, three looks actually it is a variation on the same theme... I don't know if you remember but I already did special weeks, little black jacket, tutu... Well today I wanted to show you how to wear jean shorts, a white silk shirt and tights that make your legs pretty (my autumn uniform) all year long with the right accessorizes. I also really want to make a post like this one with three different ways of wearing a tuxedo (complex challenge). 

Okay, some looks today because it's been a long time. And next week will be full of food and inspiration you'll see. Hugs and kisses and have a nice lunch break! Have a good weekend ! 



On all these looks I'm wearing my famous Sonia by Sonia Rykiel shorts already met there, and a silk shirt by Joe Fresh and tights that make your legs look pretty... 

Look 1: battledress for morning meetings and shopping. From head to foot... Adorable ballerinas of whom I got to choose the material, some sort of made-to-measure shoes from Draw me a shoe, I talk about it real soon. An Etam pair of polka-dotted tights, my little weakness... A trench that I carry everywhere from Gap. A necklace by Reine Rosalie, and a crazy head band by Cult Gaia, an awesome discovery exclusively sold at Nose, 20 rue Bachaumont in Paris, go and see they really are adorable!

Look 2: Outfit for my business meetings... Little vintage red boots that I love, black leg-warmers bought at the new Etam corner dedicated to tights..., a Rockmafia US leather messenger bag, a necklace that you can do by yourself... And an outdated Zara jacket. 

Look 3: Outfit for a beautiful evening in sight... Breathtakingly high varnished heels by Georgia Rose, Etam hold-ups, a tuxedo jacket from Comptoir des cotonniersa vintage bow tie and my little piano Asos bag... 

Sweet kisses!

October 04, 2013 — lisa gachet




Remember a few months ago I was participating to the young and creative entrepreneurs vitaminwater campaign "Shine Bright". And I was giving you a challenge that was imagining a fashion cake inspired by your favorite winter collection. Well last week I meet Déborah, the winner, I was bluffed by this hyper-creative and full of talent dancing-girl! She was inspired by the Alexander Mc Queen show from this winter and we made her unlikely cheesecake recipe together, then we shoot her work. I found it so amazing that I'm sharing this delicious cheesecake recipe with you, it was as beautiful inside than outside. Thank you Déborah... 

It will soon become a special cheesecake blog...




To make this recipe (for 6 people) you will need:

  • 200 g of mascarpone, 
  • 500 ml of whipping cream, 
  • 330 g of caster sugar, 
  • 3 to 4 g of agar-gar, 
  • 4 tablespoon of powdered sugar, 
  • 100 g of speculoos,
  • 50 g of butter, 
  • 1 vanilla bean.

Déborah is nice she gives you the list of necessary material (good idea for later I think...)

  • Half sphere silicon molds with a diameter of 7 cm,
  • Round cookie cutter with a diameter of 7 cm, 
  • Half sphere silicon molds with a diameter of 4 cm (for the caramel shell),
  • A pastry bag
  • A round tip (basic) with a diameter of 1,5 mm
  • A star tip (ruff), 
  • A sauce pan.




Start by melting the agar-agar in a small saucepan with 3 to 4 tablespoons of cream. In the meantime, whip 200 ml of whipping cream into Chantilly with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar, then add the mascarpone, 30 g of caster sugar, the vanilla bean. Add the agar-agar to the mixing and mix it again. Pour the mixing into the 7 cm half-sphere molds and leave the cheesecakes to take into the freezer for at least 4h in order to have a really hard consistence and be able to remove them from the mold easily. 

Finely mix the cookies with a robot and add the melted butter and mix well. Spread the batch into the cookie cutters of a 7 cm diameter and press well. Store your cookies into the fridge until the dressing. 




Once your cheesecakes solidified, remove them from the mold and put them onto the cookie base. Let unfreeze for 1h into the fridge. In the meantime, prepare the setting, whip the rest of the cream into Chantilly and store in the fridge. Let's get to the caramel prep with 300 g of sugar. Melt the sugar into a well-cleaned sauce pan without adding any water nor stirring. When the caramel gets amber and liquid, add the cream at room temperature and 50g of half-salted butter and stir well in order to obtain a smooth mixing, in order to get that you have to lower your heat. Let your caramel cool and when it's cold and thicker, pour the pastry bag in order to start the criss-cross pattern on your cake. Finish with the Chantilly ruff and if you feel like the kitchen Michael Angelo, make your own sugar cages. And enjoy!



October 01, 2013 — lisa gachet




First of all, I need to tell LOTS of thank you... Thank you Charlotte for your time and work, Claire for your flowers and work, Morgan for your patience and work (a double thank you actually), Jean-Philippe from the Coq Sportif for your welcome and this terrace, Capucine for your golden hands and your work. And without any particular order a huge THANK YOU to Rémy, MorganAntonin, Rémi and a special thank you to Théophile... 

Here you area chapter is closing, it's been a long time since I wanted to thank you for the thunderous welcome you made for Make my partyit now keeps living its life with you... I am now thinking of the sequel, maybe a tome II about fashion and deco. Or maybe something else before getting to another big project... We'll see what the future holds. 

THANK YOU for being so faithful and always more numerous it is completely crazy when I look back it makes me dizzy. And this sunday I am all love, you're going to say that is often the case when I come here. I'm about to meet a few of you today with the first workshop... The second session will be online in the week, I can't exactly tell you which day because I have to make my schedule but stay in touch it will be there fast. 

Sweet kisses

Doityourselfly yours, Lisa. 


To finish you Make my party, you will need:

  • One Make my party
  • To download the Chapter 6 (by clicking on the link) and to print it on mat paper,
  • Linen thread and a thick needle, 
  • A steel rule and a cutter.




As you probably already noticed there are little holes all the way down the pages of your last chapter, it will help you for the binding. With the needle, pierce all these little holes. 





Once they are all pierced, gather all the pages and don't hesitate to clip them together with large tongs, it will considerably help you. Then, with the large needle, re-enter each holes and don't hesitate to enlarge them by making small circles with the needle.




Start threading the needle into the second hole from the bottom (from the back of the chapter to the front). Then go through the same hole to fix the edge. Generally you(ll have to go through the holes twice. If you happen to be panicking, I'll advise you to have a look to these instructionsit was my salvation making this Japanese binding.




I'm giving you this link with a technique that looks a little barbaric but is actually not you'll see, just follow the numbers and it will be very clear... You can also bind this chapter by putting the thread into each of the five holes and making five little knots.




Here we are with a bound chapter. Well done... It is beautiful isn't it? It's now time to have an auto-satisfaction break...



Then grab your "Make my Party" and let's meet at the end of it. With the steel ruler and the cutter, cut along the dotted lines in the 4 corners of the page (please protect your back cover). Then slip your last chapter into the slits.



And TA-DA! Thank you for all your love!


 Click here to download the templates of the playing cards' box and of the playing cards.


Click on the link to download the template of the carnets chics' bow tie.

5Click here to download the template of the universal invitation.


Click on the link to download the 6 pack template.

September 29, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy saturday little birds!

Here are the last pages of the extra chapter... You'll have something to treat yourself a delicious meal tonight... I see you tomorrow for the "binding DIY" and all the steps by steps elements and the final PDF of your chapter to download... Warm kisses.




September 28, 2013 — lisa gachet


My little chestnuts, 

I am sorry I had a crazy day yesterday, I barely had the time to go pee (I know I'm telling you everything), I didn't get the chance to seat and write to you or to post anything really, so here are the two last DIYs. You'll have some things to do over the weekend. You'll have the recipes tomorrow and on sunday, the FINAL! I can't wait for it to be there! In the meantime, why don't you tell me which steps by steps you preferred? Hugs and kisses!




September 27, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy wednesday honeys!

Yes, it's DIY wednesday... Today you are entitled to 3 DIYs: deco, sewing and little stationery. I'll give you all the templates to download on saturday, along with the full PDF and the final DIY about how to link up your last chapter to your book, a sort of DIY into the DIY... Please note the scary hard-liner, I tire myself... 

See you tomorrow for two other DIYs... Love you much! 

Doityouselfly yours, 

Lisa1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

September 25, 2013 — lisa gachet


My cute kitties!

Here are the next pages... Be kind and tomorrow you'll have 3 exclusive DIY...

Kisses !



And big! 11


And big...34


And big! 



See you tomorrow for the first 3 DIYs!

September 24, 2013 — lisa gachet


My little cats,

I was telling you all about DIY, surprises and a crazy back-to-school season, well it isn't the end of it. It took me some time to put it in place but it's here and I am very happy to show you the result!

To refresh your memory we have to go back to last June and the release of Make my Party200 pages of love, 5 chapters of inspiration, 25 DIYs and 10 recipes... I am repeating myself but this project would never have been possible without you. So on top of saying thank you  every three day, I wanted to give you a present. It is a double-sided present: it is a bonus for those of you who already are the happy owner of the book, and it is a glimpse of what you can find into this massive book as well... Because it is an extra and unpublished chapter called...BBQ O'CLOCK! 33 pages that I'll give you all week long... By the end of the week you'll have a full PDF file to download... And cherry on the library I'll make a little DIY during the weekend to show you how to bind your chapter and to slide it at the end of your  Make my party.

Let me tell you the story of this 6th chapter, I really wanted to make a more male chapter (but I'm explaining that into the next pages). Actually I signed a contract with Eyrolles for a book of 160 pages and my little baby was already of 200 pages so when I talked to my editor about a last chapter, she laughed and said "we are about to shoot up the production costs, keep it in mind for a second tome"... But if there is a second tome I'd like it to be about something completely different so the idea of a digital gift came very naturally... So here it is TA-DA!

See you tomorrow !

Santa Lisa






September 23, 2013 — lisa gachet


Little technical setback to post this article, when technology gives you a hard time whereas you're ready! I loved sharing this fashion week with you, I had great feedback such as "The Fashion week usually leaves me cold but this year I had a great time!" THANK YOU all, thank you Gemey-Maybelline! My favorite word is back as you can see! Today I'm giving you a medley with some images you already saw and others, more exclusive as the Rachel Zoe fashion show or the Ralph Lauren's, or myself playing bowling, only extremely thrilling things... 

I must talk about Rachel Zoe that I literally discovered this week, I really coming back from this trip a lot less stupid... And I really loved her collection, with a desire of suit-pants and washed silk safari jacket for next summer... And I have to admit I was delighted by the black and white line, the big collars, the ties, the officer jackets of Ralph Lauren's, me who loves his world. But I am reserved about his use of violent neon colors, sometimes even gaudy, the cut remains sublime but I am really not conveinced by this use of colors. However it is only my opinion, you can see by yourself.



Oh and by the way, I really want to make some DIY, I feel like it's been ages, but next week you're going to be very spoiled... In the meantime you still have a chance to win a ticket for the next workshop on Asos' facebook page... You can try to win on this page and the lucky draw will be on tomorrow at noon! Sweet kisses my birdies.

September 17, 2013 — lisa gachet



My little cats, 

Thank you for the thunderous welcome you made to the Workshop! We will talk about that real soon! I'm back to the Capitale! It was intense, mad, crazy so good and what have you. I am exhausted but it's good exhaustion, the one that makes me happy. My brain is boiling, it has seen so many things, my creative batteries has been charged, for real. I realize that taking pictures of people, "street style" photography, really helps my inspiration, it makes me work on my timidity, I approach people to ask if I can take a picture of them and then I try to seise the detail that made me look at these people in te first place. I like doing that a lot, it's a bit as if I was doing a character collection, I capture their look to make my inspiration and desire library... 




I advise you to do that if you're in Paris during the next weeks (the parisian fashion week is approaching quickly), get out on the street, take your camera, you phone, you pola and dare approaching people, take pictures of them and create you little looks and details album... It increases your ideas, shakes up your creativity, larges the field of possibilities (that's right!) try for real! I have tons of picture I spread through my mosaic here, but you'll have a massive influx on the Gemey-Maybelline tumblr in the next few days!




Today I'm wearing a pair of pants, a silk shirt and a pair of socks by Joe Fresha NY revelation ! Shellys London derbies, an Asos piano handbag and my Galia love necklace.




This trip to New York allowed me to broaden my stylistic horizons and to discover american designers that didn't ring a bell until now such as Bibhu Mohapatrathat really was an unexpected discovery, I didn't expect anything, I could never remember the name, but once i was backstage, and during the show, I truly got smacked, it was beautiful, it was loaded but elegant, it was a successful mix between indian opulence and the perfect american line. From now on I'll stop snubbing designers with exotic names, not to take the chance to miss out on precious gems.




On this video you can also see the J. Mendel fashion show, it is astonishing at first because it is a russian designer house specialized in fur established in Paris for more than 30 years and who finally found its customer base across the Atlantic, I love those kind of stories about fashion itinerants... This is my second to last post about the new york fashion week, I hope you liked them all, tomorrow you'll watch a medley video with all the things I might have seen... And a little bonus with images from the Rachel Zoe and Ralph Lauren shows! Sweet kisses! And happy sunday! 



September 15, 2013 — lisa gachet



My little chestnuts, 

The situation is serious! Today, I unveil with you the new tab, section, label of the blog, the "WORK SHOP" section, Ta-Da! Okay but what is it really ?

For a few months, after long talk about the how and the why of this website, I really wanted to make things tangible. After the book, the digital became palpable, after the Etsy Craft night, after a DIY workshop for a presentation with La Redoute, it became obvious! Meeting you is huge, teaching you stuff in real life is even more.




Let's imagine a sort of cooking class but even better: a DIY class, based on the same principle: I give you the recipe, and even the ingredients, and you'll leave with what you made + little presents... 

It seems a little crazy but it's what is going on lately, so I'll skip the details about the suppliers, the meticulous search of partners, locations, equipment, people to help me and other necessary stuff coming with the Joy of organizing such an event, of making it possible. To make it short, here are the main things you need to know and probably what you want to know the most (I can't wait any longer to tell you).

From now on every months, during a full sunday after, I will organize WORKSHOP in partnership with one or several brands. There will be 10 tickets for sale for every session. 

  • The ticket will cost 50 euros.
  • During this workshop, you will go home with 3 products and goodies... (that I'm making you with great care...)
  • We'll spend the whole afternoon together making, customizing, fiddling with, sewing, enhancing, having fun, eating awesome cakes and drinking liters of tea, etc... It should be a good afternoon. And of course you'll go home with your creations. By the way, if you like the products I chose as they are, you're free not to customize them and you can learn the technique and gestures and do them later at your own place... No worries, I'm not the DIY gestapo.




But for those of you who cannot go to these workshops, either because you don't have the time, because you live too far or even because you can't afford it, you won't be outdone because pictures and a video will be made during the workshop and you'll be able to see all that by clicking on the WORKSHOP tab. Moreover I'll put one of the three DIYs on the blog! It doesn't change the fact that I'll still make DIY on the blog as usual, no worries my cats.

I therefore declare the enrollment of the first WORKSHOP session open, it will be in exclusive collaboration with my favorite clothing dealer ASOS (I'm hysterical while typing this) on Sunday, September 29th in the center of Paris. The first session theme is BACK TO SCHOOL and we will be customizing:

  • a pullover/sweat, 
  • A handbag,
  • A pair of shoes...

Please tell me your shoe and clothes sizes by email.




I'd like to say a special thank you to Alexia, Nicolas, Manon, Tatiana, Pauline, Scarlette, Tania, France, Romain and of course Justin and Agathe for their trust and help... THANK YOU so much and see you soon!

September 13, 2013 — lisa gachet



My little butter hearts!

No show today, let me explain: Gemey-Maybelline allowed me to attend 3 shows and I want to say a huge thank you to them, for the other ones I used my own contacts and nerve (I find myself sassy...) I literally called the office and press agents 40 times. I dove a hard bargain I really wanted to be able to show you surprising but also different things, I wanted to make you live something crazy through the blog. I had a huge opportunity with Gemey-Maybelline, they offered me an awesome project but I also wanted my style and my sweat (and my insomnia) to be on it. I wanted it not to be all done and wrap into my passport. So I found some help with the Daily ElleI was able to go backstage as a web journalist, I'll let you check at my articles on their site.  




Today I'm wearing a SO lovely outfit that it will be hard to give it back, lent by Sonia by Sonia Rykiel (I'll talk about this again really soon), little socks found by myself in NY at Joe Fresh's and Shelly's London shoes. And on my lips, the 14h superstay Infinity Fuschia. For those of you who are about to ask me (I know you)... How do I get this hairstyle with short hair ? Well, be prepared for the shock, I'm wearing a clip hair piece... I will decide wether I make the video because a rug maying in the bathroom is not very glamourous...




During this less speed day, I got the chance to meet Meithanks to Mai who filmed her last June, I completely freaked out watching the very awesome video as usual with Mai. To me nailart felt cold and totally hermetic, and often rhymes with a crude-nuclear-catastrophe, I more into black or very red red on my nails but I loved this video because I found it fresh, daring and such well done, it looked like enamel. And then last July I showed you the ice cream and nailart ICE ICE BABY series, it was gaining ground in my head... 

Last week when I was leaving I called Mai to get the number of this little Japanese girls, she put us in touch, we meet at my hotel, what an adorable lovely girl. I made jokes for 1h30 with my unlikely english and I think she laughed when I said it was my first nailart, my first time, I wasn't a nailart virgin anymore "I'm not nails virgin anymore...". Here I am with nailart on my fingers, it is really strange I feel like they have their own life and independence now on, regardless of mine. Next step is doing it by myself, even a little DIY, but I have to practice a little... In the meantime if you're in NY and you wish to have a manicure by Mei you can contact her on her website! 




In the video you can see two addresses. The first one is the Shake Shack, famous burgers that a lot of people told me about. I wanted to see by myself and it was really cool to eat my burger in the Madison square park. I love this idea of "improved fast food" instead of eating a burger in any NY restaurant. And I had another rendez-vous in this bakery/restaurant Lafayette that I literally loved! I'll come back for sure.

Shake Shack 11 Madison Avenue at E 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010

Lafayette 380 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10003



September 12, 2013 — lisa gachet