Bon appétit on this Monday lunchtime, Pea Week is on! I know you think I'm a bit crazy with this, but I'm making a resolution not to buy anything with peas on it anymore, I promise. But until then, I'd like to ward off the curse with this polka dot week! Be there!
March 19, 2012 — lisa gachet


Here it is Friday... How come the weeks go by so fast? I promise I'll change my tune about the passing of time and the weather, but just add an extra day wedged between Friday and Saturday, and we'll call it "Samdredi"... I'm sticking to my pastel flower trip for this [...].
March 16, 2012 — lisa gachet

Wish List!

Good Thursday here... Like a hint of spring, when I get off work it's still light out and that can only be a good sign! I can't wait to step out in bare legs (I like the word "jambette", it's better than "jambon"...) in little studded spartan shoes and twirl around with my [...].
March 15, 2012 — lisa gachet

Head band Del Rey

Peace & Love readers, Today I'm offering you a very Lana Del Reysquien DIY - yes, it's a style in its own right, if her voice and mouth (and eyes and nose) are anything to go by, please this girl has a style all her own. Part pin-up mad men(ien), part [...]
March 14, 2012 — lisa gachet

Home-made chocolate bars!

I hope your weekend was restful and soothing, and that you're fresh and available for an express week that will once again go by faster than lightning. Today it's chocolate time, just to protect yourself from the last of the cold, snug in your little bulge. I'm [...]
March 12, 2012 — lisa gachet


Friday already! but it's impossible, the weeks are flying by! this week the blog turned 1 month old and it's incredibly galvanizing to have such encouraging feedback as I receive every day, thank you so much. The hardest thing now is not to disappoint you! I haven't told you, but I'm [...]
March 09, 2012 — lisa gachet

DIY The feather duster bag!

Hey guys! Today, a DIY with a twist! Yes, a bit of dexterity, but not too much either, the transparent polka-dot bag (neurotic me?) You're going to tell me that a transparent bag is a funny idea, because privacy is close to level 0, but look at the practical side of things, [...].
March 07, 2012 — lisa gachet

Carrot Cake Yeah!

Have a good Monday! To start the week, I'm posting my recipe for the weekend, which I think might be my absolute favorite dessert... "Might be" because I think I'm on a quest for my favorite dessert. Until now, I always thought it was the raspberry tartelette with the [...].
March 05, 2012 — lisa gachet


Today you can notice the unlikely mix of prints, I'm not usually very patterned but here I know the ethnic/leopard/grandpa jacket combo spoke to me so I wish you a HAPPY FRIDAY and I'll be back soon for new culinary, shopping and DIY adventures... baci! American Apparel beanie, Marc by [...] dress
March 02, 2012 — lisa gachet

The truth is, I'm like that...

I was doing a bit of housework on my computer and found the photos of my graduation project, 3 years ago already. It goes by so quickly, I discover that the emotion is almost intact... I so loved making this "Patrimoine Anachronique" collection, studying the history of children's fashion... And then after that, it [...]...
March 01, 2012 — lisa gachet

Coco pearls

Hello there! Today I'd like to introduce you to a recipe for Coconut Pearls or Coconut Balls, the choice is yours. It's the typical Asian dessert in any self-respecting Japanese or Chinese restaurant... I'll be honest with you, a very long time ago, I never ventured to have coconut pearls, [...].
February 28, 2012 — lisa gachet

DIY My favorite dress!

Hello! This weekend, apart from turning into a giant plague incubator, I've prepared an atomic DIY for you... you'll be telling me all about it! If you ever panic while doing it, if there's the slightest problem understanding the explanations, leave me a little comment and I'll come to the rescue! You'll see [...]
February 27, 2012 — lisa gachet