Hello there!

Today I'd like to introduce you to a recipe for Coco Pearls or Coco Balls, the choice is yours. It's the typical Asian dessert in any self-respecting Japanese or Chinese restaurant... I'll be honest with you, a very long time ago, I never dared to eat desserts in these kinds of restaurants, I was far too afraid of being disappointed and the texture of the thing freaked me out a bit, like a mini breast prosthesis, and then one day (blessedly) I took the plunge... I did it, I ate my first coconut pearl and that was the beginning of a fusional love story... I think I've converted my other half to this sweet cause. Anyway, I'll indoctrinate you with the recipe, the result is amazing!

Ingredients for about ten pearls

  • 100 g rice flour (organic or Asian supermarket)
  •  30 g caster sugar
  •  80 g shredded coconut
  •  1 egg yolk
  •  3 tablespoons coconut milk
  •  2 large tablespoons sweetened condensed milk

Step 1: Bring the water to the boil in a saucepan and take out your bamboo steamer basket, which will fit over the saucepan. Mix the rice flour and caster sugar in a small bowl. Pour in a glass of cold water (like a mustard glass) a little at a time, while stirring, until you obtain a thick, homogeneous paste. You can mix with your fingers, but be careful, it's a bit sticky... Shape this paste into small balls the size of walnuts. Set aside.

Step 2: In a bowl, mix the egg yolk, coconut milk and sweetened condensed milk. Place this mixture in a needleless syringe (available in pharmacies for less than a euro!) or in a pastry bag with a fine nozzle (a bit trickier for the rest...) Take your balls and make a small hole in the dough balls and fill them with this mixture. Seal tightly (it's a bit tricky), but you can add a little more dough if you have any left over.

Step 3: Place your pearls on parchment paper and place in the steamer basket. Place over boiling water and cook for ten minutes, until the pearls are firm and slightly puffed. Finally, roll them in the chopped coconut! TADAM! Hot, isn't it?

Best served hot! Enjoy!

February 28, 2012