Hello my little lemons!

As promised, I'm bringing you the entire Motivated Primer we created for the Etsy training program I was telling you about. at the beginning of the month ! We had a lot of fun coming up with this alphabet! It's just a little wink because we've been posting all these letters for the last 7 days on Instagram. But as I know you don't all have Instagram, I wanted to show you the final result here! If you want to see all the letters one by one, I invite you to visit our account Instagram and click on each letter to read each of the little definitions and mantras inspired by the hectic life when you're your own boss.

I'd like to take the opportunity of this post to say a special thank you to Charlotte and Olitax of Lemonade Studio for their patience, expert hands and eyes in keeping up with my ever-twisting ideas... If you only knew what a nightmare the J in gelatin was! Many thanks to Billy and Nadir for their concrete "Q", and for getting us out of trouble with the famous "J" and "C". Many thanks to Alexandra Bmy sweet friend, for her madness and help with our clay letters "L" and "O". And a big thank you to the beautiful Noémie from Radioooo for the delicate "B"! And for your misplaced spirits with the "T"...

A big kiss! And see you tomorrow!

January 25, 2016