My kittens!

First of all, you're crazy, insane, I've never had such an immense torrent of love, to tell you the truth, I cried with happiness, I laughed with love... a kind of literary orgasm that lasted 20 minutes... You're raping me with love and I'm not exaggerating... Thank you for your enthusiasm, your love and your words, I think I have the best readers on earth (the results of the contest are posted at the bottom of the previous article!). 


This morning at 5:06 a.m., my eyes were wide open as I thought: this is it, it's today! Today's a great day! My little baby Make my party is out... I'm presenting it to the press, to bloggers, in a place I love. I'm preparing a "Daily Lemonade" article with all the hour-by-hour images... for tomorrow (just to take a breather, I'm resting tonight, anyway...) What do you mean I'm going to bore you with the book? I've been holding back so much that you'll be begging me to stop telling you about it...

And today's a big day, because Make My Lemonade has been given a makeover... a new design, new features... Let me explain, I've been craving renewal for a while now, more simplicity, more cleanliness... Because I want a neutral space to express lots of new things, colors, inspirations... I'm determined to continue posting my classic cook, happy friday and, of course, Do it Yourself articles, but I'd like to show you some beautiful inspirational images, and make you a daily lemonade from time to time, just to bring you along with me on important days, hour by hour... (photo shoot days, crazy trips, climbing the steps...).

And above all, a new design, because with the arrival of Make my party, I needed a space where future purchasers of the book could download the DIY patterns! And yes, because what I didn't tell you is that at the end of this book, there are lots of things, including secret codes. So, in the BOOK tab, you enter the code for the corresponding chapter and the patterns and other templates automatically download to your computer...

The banner (the header) I'm not sure about... maybe I'll redo it with polka dots, as you've seen they've disappeared (ok not completely... but don't panic, I'll add some... I miss them too much!). The English version of the site!!!! Yes, it's coming on Monday! And then I'm preparing a very special newsletter for you very soon... And at the very top of the site, next to the BOOK tab... you'll find a WORK SHOP tab... But what is it? Well, it's a surprise, but I think you'll like it, and don't worry, I'll be telling you all about it very soon! 

I'm all about love again and again... Have fun with the site and the different sections, I've listened to you... I'm sure the blog will be more beautiful by the day, in any case it makes me want to post more often, just to give you your daily dose of lemonade! 

And since I'm super nice, I'm going to give you another present! I look forward to hearing from you! Monday with Etsy we're organizing a craft night for the book launch, and because you're so crazy about it, all the places were snapped up in a very short space of time, but I've got 3 golden tickets with me, and I can win them for you... So leave me a comment with your dream DIY and I'll see what I can do for you... love! 

The winners are coming Monday!

June 13, 2013