Happy Friday!

Alalala my little cats, thank you for all your words in the previous post, I keep telling you but you're the best, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday! In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about another excuse to get together: WORKSHOP! WORKSHOPS! and the last one was an anthology with Petit Bateau! This was a workshop with drawers, because with Léo, with whom I work on these workshops, we visited a few cities to meet Petit Bateau's best customers and their children, and we made DIY until we lost our minds! It was so nice to do it with kids, if you only knew how strong they are, terribly at ease, and I'm going to take some home with me to make more! We're the DIY caravan!

For all these workshops, I tried to work on the theme of Origami and folding, because Petit Bateau has set up a great operation called "Paré à plier" ("Ready to fold"), in which the brand offers an origami kit with every checkout, with no obligation to buy. The kit includes a book, and each of the characters can be made in origami... Absolutely adorable, but then how do you make origami on fabric, without an iron or sewing machine (a few safety constraints otherwise it's no fun)? Well, I came up with a felt windmill that can be clipped on endlessly with snaps, and it was great to see children and adults alike going all out to customize their marinières! Today I'm reporting on the Workshop with you, my little readers!

 Well, for this session we customized marinières Petit Bateau sailboats, obviously emblematic and essential pieces for the brand. The first workshop was to create these famous windmills, which are incredibly easy to make, and very soon I'll be doing an article on a family DIY to catch you up. On another marinière we made roundels with subliminal messages using a badge machine, and then to keep with the "Origami" theme, after folding felt and pleating ribbons, we made little paper icicles, then mobiles. I think this workshop will also be a pretext for another DIY article, given the general excitement during its realization. I have to admit that bringing the "Silhouette Cameo" paper-cutting machine to the workshop must have weighed in the balance.

 It was also the first time since the start of the Workshops that I felt so at ease, much more relaxed and a little less impressed than on previous occasions. It was a lovely afternoon in a cheerful, colorful mess, with "neo-balls" of ice cream rubbing shoulders with Marlette's divine cakes, and I had no desire to go home - I'd have folded scoops of ice cream into the night and drunk gallons of tea over and over again... But all good things must come to an end... See you in less than a month for the next one!

 I'd like to say thank you again... Thank you to Karline and the whole Petit Bateau team for their trust and help in making this DIY tour happen, and tomorrow in Aix en Provence! Thanks also to Kusmi Teafor spoiling us, and Marlette for treating us to a delicious meal. Marlette Café at 51 rue des Martyrs! Find out more about our workshop partners here! Thanks to Franck for welcoming us to the Encore restaurant. Thanks to Léa for this lovely little film! Thanks to Léo for his outstanding organizational skills and to Charlotte S. Russo for saving this workshop from disaster! To see all the photos of this workshop, go to here!

For this session, I was amazed to find a participant from the last session with Tara JarmonWhat tenacity and what a great internet speed (well done Mélanie!). So yes, how do you get involved in the next Workshop? Well, it's simple: all you have to do is sign up for the newsletter, which will tell you the date of the next sale, and stay tuned... The next Workshop will be with a brand that starts with an S.... It's a mystery, but if you're as obsessive as I am, you'll love it!

April 11, 2014