Hello my little lemons! 

I was on the metro this morning thinking about what I wanted to tell you today. And then, quite quickly, I thought back to the way I write and the topics we've already covered here. I'd like to talk to you about cleavage and breasts, but that'll have to wait until the right moment, because I need to think about it some more... Anyway, rereading some of my posts, my sickly impatience jumped out at me. In the words I use, the turns of phrase I employ, I'm constantly impatient. "I can't wait to get there", "I can't wait to tell you", "I can't wait to show you more". But you know what? It's exhausting to be in a hurry to find out what happens next. It's kind of strange to always be planning your next move when the previous one hasn't even played out yet! So I wanted to say thank you, because it's been a long road, and I often tell you about it, but it prevents me from enjoying the good things that happen to me. And it's thanks to this blog, through your words that point this out to me, that I feel like calming down and taming my frenetic impatience, spacing out my sessions with little leaps, running around more than once a week (I know I couldn't totally deny what defines me most either). 


I just want to enjoy the work that's been done as the project sees the light of day. It's a big job, because in the end it's all about brain gymnastics and training, and it makes me think that I've never been so much in the moment as when I was meditating with my mind. Head Space. It's high time I found 15 minutes again in the morning so I can clear my head and watch my thoughts go by like cars on a highway. It already feels good to write it to you! 


One paragraph later, I'm already jumping up and down, there's work to be done.... I say that because I'm already looking forward to early October, to saying "Yes I do" to the man in my life, to going on a trip with him, to shooting the new Wear Lemonade collection and receiving Jonak shoes. So I'm taking it easy, life is beautiful and I intend to savor every little happiness with delight and with you! 


To get back to today's main topic, I'd like to present you with my "dirty brat" schoolgirl outfit, photographed by the delightful Julie Perrot ! I'm wearing a dress Monkia coat with a perfect fit Mademoiselle Tarasoquettes Falkeand derbies Clarks... And a hairstyle Cut by Fred ! Kisses and thanks again.

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September 04, 2015