My little cats...

I'm back in shape, in better shape than that, almost... I've had a little vacation with my family and a little vacation in Amsterdam with my boyfriend. A nice break, but you know, I'm not very good at letting myself go, I'm not very good at idleness, you know when someone says: "Aren't we happy here doing nothing?" I answer "Yes, we are..." but deep down I'm thinking "Run away! I've got 10 numb fingers, let's do something!" In fact, that's one of my 2013 resolutions: to know how to take advantage of break times, to take real breaks. Quasi existential this kind of resolution, I agree. But in the list of things I want to do, to succeed this year, there's also:

  • - To be organized to the power of 10,000,
  • - Party more often,
  • - Find a new apartment,
  • - REALLY go to the gym,
  • - Read more,
  • - Giving up the Sunday night Mc do,
  • - Buy a bike (thanks Amsterdam),
  • - Push my limits,
  • - Stop being lazy about doing the dishes,
  • - Stop running the washing machine 3 times in a row because I'm too lazy to hang out the washing...
  • - See more exhibitions,
  • - Stop being so late with my e-mails,
  • - Learn to let go a little,
  • - And continue to do things with as much heart as I did in 2012...

As you can see, I'm full of good will, and as I write this, I'm jogging to do some sit-ups - the truth. So I wish you a wonderful 2013 full of projects, love, encounters, money (it helps a little) and lots of DIY, a big kiss and may 2013 start here... 

PS: I'm sorry I haven't had time to reply to all your latest comments, but as of today I'm here, and for those of you wondering about my 3-finger silver ring, I had it made in India... But maybe in a few months it'll be available on the Etsy store, fingers crossed! And what's your #1 resolution for 2013? 



 For this first happy friday of the year, I'm wearing some color I've been missing, some green and pink, it's complementary and good for morale... and I'm giving you my smile of the girl at ease... So I'm wearing my military jacket, which is really one of my favorite basics, a Baruckello bib necklace, a sweater Acne pink sweater, a DIYyou remember my favorite dressmade of "Monnet" printed crepe de chine and adorable little Mellow Yellow boots, but remember, you may not recognize them again very soon...



January 04, 2013