MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'm killing two birds with one stone: Christmas and 5000 likes on Facebook! Once again I'd like to say THANK YOU, thank you for your comments, thank you for your loving emails, thank you for always being there, thank you for your enthusiasm when you see me in a magazine, on the street or at fil 2000, thank you for coming here in ever-increasing numbers every day. THANK YOU, 2012 was a crazy year, and it's all thanks to you... So to thank you, I've prepared a little DIY contest, in which I'll show you how to make a belt, or a head band, with a bag handle, yes everything's fine, don't worry, I haven't lost my mind, but I'm fed up with losing my pants and I'm pretty poor on belts, so BANCO. Let's do it! 



To make this DIY, belt / scarf / head band you'll need:

  • - A bag handle (you'll probably recognize my My suelly handle...).
  • -A 70 x 70 cm scarf,
  • -Thread and needle,
  • - And a pair of scissors.
To begin, choose a colorful scarf (or not, for that matter), unfold it fig.2. and fold it in half diagonally, then using your scissors, cut to make two triangles of equal size fig.3 & 4. Grab the tip of your first triangle and roll it inwards fig.5 & 6. When you're a few centimetres from the free edge, use a hot iron (on a medium setting) and create a fold to finish your rolled scarf band fig.7. Then, using thread and needle or the sewing machine you got for Christmas, stitch the whole length of the band to close it. 

To finish, pass your band through the loop of your handle, and halfway through, fold it in half fig.1 & 2. Using thread and needle, attach the scarf just after the loop on each side fig. 3. Then repeat all these operations for the second triangle, and TA-DA! I'd love to make a belt / head band with a bandana too... 



To play and win a scarf, even two I'll draw 2 winners, leave me a comment telling me what was the worst gift you've ever been given? I'll draw the 2 winners on December 31 at 2 p.m., and I promise to post their names after this article! 



i'm wearing tommy hilfiger denim shorts, a top Sandromy new My pants coat and a bracelet. Shourouk and I found these scarves at "épisode" the huge thrift shop on rue tiquetonne! 

 the winners are Charlie les yeux bleus and Duffaux thank you girls you made me laugh for a week thank you!




Ps: if you're craving DIY, check out the blog of Sarenza  I made 3 little clips for the shoes...

December 26, 2012