
My little chestnuts,

I promised you a while ago that I'd be taking over this new "making of" section, and well, Charlotte S. is going to do it, I hope you like it! Without further ado: I'm passing the torch to Charlotte to take charge of this section. You can't imagine the amount of stress I'm going to have to deal with, as I have a hard time delegating, but I know Charlotte will be perfect, she's proved herself more than 100 times over...

The time has finally come to open this new column that I have the honor of writing for you: As you surely know, the last few weeks have been full of emotions for Lisa and me, with moves and all the other daily adventures. So today I finally have the time to share it with you and show you a little behind-the-scenes of Make My Lemonade. Some of the photos are a few weeks old and it's true that we've been swamped, but we promise to remedy that soon. We noticed that you liked the video Comptoir des Cotonniersand the other "Making of" moments, so I hope you'll enjoy this new column and that I'll manage to make it a regular feature! 

I felt a little obliged to make Frida the star of the first photo, with that magical moment at the garage sale when she had a little trouble letting go of certain items. The dress sale was a real highlight, as so many of you came along and lightened the boxes! Frida had a bit of trouble coping with the move, but I can assure you that she's now completely happy in her new home, and has almost stopped chewing scotch tape...




D+2 after the move, in the middle of an "Ikea furniture assembly" session, Lisa hasn't lost her bearings and her phone never stops ringing! And because we're always evolving, like little Pokémon, we're now the queens of furniture assembly. 




Frida, our daily best friend, is always ready to try anything on. She's our first fan and our best supporter, almost always willing to lend a helping hand. Here Frida is wearing the first paper shoe prototype, the final version of which you saw in the last newsletter (and if you haven't signed up yet, you know what you have to do).




Here we are at last: The offices! It's been no mean feat, but as Freddy would say: we are the champions, my friend! Of course, there's still a bit of tidying up to do, but this office is a bit like the Holy Grail: Lisa's been talking to me about it for months, because working on the sofa is very pleasant, but it sometimes prevents us from being productive (yes, because playing with Frida already takes up an hour a day...). But now we're going to be up to our old tricks and inundate you with new topics! Frida, if you're reading this, please know that my heart bleeds at not seeing you anymore, but it had to be done... Don't second-guess yourself, it's not your fault, it's mine...




You may have seen it on Instagram: last Friday we spent the day at Disney! Let me stop you right there: it was really for a good cause! A few days ago, the famous "It's a small world" attraction celebrated its 50th anniversary! 50 years of making young and old dream, and 50 years of getting its song stuck in our heads... In short, Lisa was asked to design an outfit for a doll for the occasion! She accepted and we decided to dress the pretty Japanese girl!




As you can see, I'm a bit of a "doll whisperer". Lisa was in Australia at the time, so I was in charge of dress production (with a Lisa who inspects finished work!). A few days' work and a lot of paper-cutting later, our doll emerged with a kimono adorned with several hundred little paper flowers. All the designer dolls can be found at Disney until the summer, when they will be auctioned off to raise precious euros for Unicef.




Yesterday was therefore an opportunity for us not only to see our doll on display, but above all to discover a place that everyone has dreamed of but never known existed: Disney's costume design workshops! I won't tell you more about it, as you'll find out in a little while...




So there you have it, a brief summary of our latest adventures. Many kisses to you all. See you soon! (I'm thinking about finding a new name for you, and I hope that one day you'll be my little cats too, or my little otters...)

Charlotte S. 

April 21, 2014