It's with barely contained emotion that I'm going to tell you about a project I loved to carry out with my friend Mai, you're beginning to know us and we're two kinds of care bears... And a few months ago in July to be exact, Mai came to the house and told me the story of an NGO in Viet Nam that takes women out of forced prostitution to teach them the trade of dressmaking. "FAIR FASHIONTwo minutes of ping pong of ideas later, we decided we had to make something. It's going to be a bag, a sort of tote bag in the shape of a rhombus, a bit of a concept, all that... The deal is that we get this NGO to make the bags, customize them with our little hands and sell them to donate the funds raised to another association, a sort of infernal loop of love... And the association to which these donations will be sent, your donations indirectly, has been chosen in a not at all arbitrary way, because it's my dad's association... "BASB which builds and renovates schools and orphanages in Africa, and more specifically in Benin. I'll let you discover these actions on his website website. It's a bag to please, to please yourself and to do a good deed... If you're short of ideas for a Christmas present, go to makemylemonade's ETSY boutique where you can buy 13 different bags, or for Parisians, there will be 13 more on sale this weekend at Galerie Simone, all "blank" that you can customize with us in a small DIY workshop. More info here for the Simone gallery.

I'll let you discover MAi's wonderful video... ( she's too good, isn't she? ) 



Bags Of Love, by Lisa and Timai from Supertimai on Vimeo



Bonus gif of all the bags for sale on Etsy... 




December 04, 2012