

Happy Monday, kittens!

The recipe for avocado toast isn't exactly revolutionary, but today I'm using the food section as an excuse to tell you a little about myself... I think the trait that defines me most is my impatience. I'm always saying "I can't wait", "I can't wait to get there", "I can't wait to get there". That's the way I am. When my lover met my mother for the first time, he asked her what my biggest faults were... Instead of answering that he'd discover them sooner than he thought, she told him: Lisa is stubborn and above all impatient. And it's funny, because until then, I'd never thought of my impatience as a flaw, but as my driving force. And then I realized that over time, this thirst for speed, this need for quick results, got worse with the arrival of the Internet in my life. 




Today, I'm not going to talk about my impatience at work because, in my opinion, I could really write a novel or at least a long post about it. But I've realized that this chronic lack of patience is seriously starting to make me sick, in the truest sense of the word. I've been asking myself more and more questions, for a while now, about the way I eat, about what's good, really good for me, beyond what you read in the magazines or the latest trendy diet, but about how I feel and what I really need. And lately, I've noticed that I often don't have the patience to wait for a meal to be ready. Scenario number 1 is: I nibble on the ingredients while waiting for the meal to be ready and then eat the cooked dish too, so I eat twice. The second hypothesis is that I'd rather eat fast food than get behind the stove, so I'll eat anything ok patience and laziness for this case. And the last case, which for me was the trigger, is when I come home late and I'm tired and hungry, well I'd rather fall asleep than wait for a meal to be reheated, which is 5 minutes... so I don't eat. In short, it's a real realization... So I want to work on my patience, and I think I'm going to start growing it by taking care of myself through the plate. 




Here are 3 express recipes for ultra-easy avocado toast, for those impatient with the electric hob.

First variation: On wholemeal cereal bread, place a layer of fromage frais, then a bed of mandolin-cut radishes and half an avocado, thinly sliced, a drizzle of olive oil and a few flax seeds. Make yourself two slices of toast like this with a cold soup and a handful of green salad with a few slices of grison meat, and you've got a top-notch express lunch.

Second idea: On wholemeal cereal bread, place grapefruit supremes mixed with small cubes of avocado, place thin slices of cucumber and sprinkle with sunflower seeds and chives. The ideal accompaniment to this super-fresh variation is crabmeat crumbs or cooked king prawns, rocket and a juice of apple, carrot, ginger and yoghurt! 

And my favorite for last: On wholemeal cereal bread, mash half an avocado with your fork, add a dozen dried cranberries, and poach an egg, (how's that for too complicated? Check out this video it's unmissable! ) and then sprinkle with poppy seeds... Enjoy your toast with a tomato salad or a small plate of grated carrots, yoghurt and a bowl of strawberries and you'll be on top form! 




And what are your express recipes for taking care of yourself?

May 11, 2015