

My little hearts, 

I'm a bit tired at the moment, I realize that I'm running out of time, that I have tons of posts ready but no longer feel like posting. So why? Because I'm feeling tired... A bit out of breath, watching the days go by in a flash and thinking: "Shit, I didn't post when I promised I would...". I feel guilty for not being here as often as I used to, it sucks I know. I feel like I've already written this article, but I know today I'm being honest with myself. I'm tired. I feel dry... Kind of like a ficus that forgot to be watered... In our case, I just forgot to think about myself a long time ago. I've thrown myself wholeheartedly into work, reporting, moving, workshops, the new design and writing a future book... And now I've run out of Make My Lemonade juice, lemon juice...  

But don't worry, I'm still just as keen to keep this blog alive, thanks to which I'm having some extraordinary adventures, but not tomorrow, just the day after tomorrow. And then reading this article on the very good Eleonore Bridge, I said to myself that it resonated with me far too much for me not to tell you about it.

In her article, Elodie wonders about overly elaborate shoots, with big productions: hairdressers, make-up artists. Isn't this kind of perfectionism the antithesis of the spontaneity and freshness of the blog approach? That's what I'm wondering too. I'm thinking that maybe I've locked myself into an overly polished aesthetic. And then my blog feeds off my work, and vice versa: it's my virtual business card... Ahlala you see, I'm asking myself some questions... Because in the end I feel like posting more often, but I don't feel like posting just anything, anyhow... If only I had as much time as I have ideas. Well, I'll take a breath, make myself a cup of tea and come back as good as new soon, not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow...

Kisses and I leave you with an extraordinary report that I was lucky enough to do with Juliette from the very good blog "Je ne sais pas choisir" (I don't know how to choose) I'll be posting my travel diary very soon (THANK YOU 1 million times Sabrina for thinking of me...). But before that, I've had my Thai travel diary ready for a while, which I'd like to share with you. I was just waiting for the situation in Bangkok to settle down, so as not to fuel any controversy.  


April 28, 2014