My chestnuts! My birds! My little cats! My little butter hearts! 

Thank you 100 times over for your words, so right, so cool, it was so good to read you, day after day, and your perfect e-mails! THANK YOU, so here I am again after a short break, but a break nonetheless. Well, I didn't really get as much done as I'd have liked, but I still have a few less dark circles than I did ten days ago, and I don't feel like crying every time I get an e-mail, which is a really good sign... I can't wait to read your reactions to this new design, this new beginning! In short, I'm excited about my new resolutions, excited about learning to say "no" and "stop", excited about taking care of myself (yes, I'm crazy). And I'm also excited to be busy launching new projects, no, really crazy things that keep me awake at night (because I can't wait for the day to start, not woken up by stress: big difference!). The return of the sacred fire or something like that... It's as if I needed to leave to come back, to take stock of my desires and list my priorities, to clear the decks in my life.



So I did see some comments asking me to get back to "the Lisa of the beginning". Well, I've got bad news for you: I don't know what you're talking about, well I do know, but for me the blog is my place to experiment, to share, to work too, but I think it's obvious that I'm not the same person I was two years ago. My writing style, the subjects I want to talk about and the way I take photos have changed, and that's all to the good. I find that change, movement and knowing how to question oneself, that's what it's all about. So yes, I'm in the mood for more spontaneity, for doing things with a flourish, for a bit of carefree spirit around here. DIY, looks, recipes, encounters... THE BASICS! More weekly sharing, that's for sure, so I hope you'll keep up the good work and that our love story will take off again, because once again, if I'm where I am, it's thanks to you! 

So I wanted a new look, and above all, I didn't want to do everything myself... For the last few versions of the site, I'd done everything from the design (which I love, so it's not a problem) to the graphics (which isn't my job, and I don't have the benefit of hindsight), so when the new site came out, it was already coming out of my nose (sorry for the expression, I couldn't think of a better one). This time, I made my little mood board, and threw ideas into the air. I decided to trust my sweet Alexandra Bruelwhom I've already told you about here, but which you'll be hearing about more and more often! Alexandra made some suggestions, and then the ideas flowed, so I reworked all those little paper goodies: the bottle (which empties when you scroll to the bottom of the page...), the little fan (which takes out any item in random mode), the lemonade stand awning (which hangs on the top of your page) I could go on and on! So I'll leave you to wander around this new design, okay the Workshop/Book/About tab isn't completely finished but that's coming very soon with portraits of each contributor on the site. There are a few things to finish off, but the big jobs are now done! And great news, the mobile version is now up to scratch, I'd even say optimized. After lying fallow for 1 year, you can now browse the mobile site without your eyes bleeding... So you can get your daily dose of lemonade even on the bus...

So THANK YOU Alexandra, my sweetheart, for your talent at the service of Make My Lemonade... And above all a mountain of THANKS to Julien, from fashion trendswho developed all this for us with a master's hand, while being very patient and attentive during my inopportune calls that began with "Wait, I've got an idea, what if we did...." thank you! 

Ps: Check out the golden lemon in the comments and the paper world map in the trip tab! I love you guys! 

 Alexandra's first models: 



May 12, 2014