I get goosebumps thinking about everything that's happened in the last year... An informal platform like WordPress has become a kind of escape, an extraordinary little window that not only pushes me to do things, but also pushes me to improve, to try to do better every time...

It's crazy how an anniversary, a year, is also a circle that comes to an end, the time to ask yourself a thousand questions: Am I going to go on? What else can I do to renew myself? And if tomorrow everything came to an end, how would I live with it? So many quasi-existential questions, but only one answer: "Keep doing what you want to do, and stop asking yourself questions".

So get out your handkerchiefs, the emotional part is coming. The more things I do, the more ideas and desires I have, and that's a driving force that makes me get up in the morning with a single desire: to learn and to do... A new creative hygiene that makes me want to get out of my comfort zones. On a professional level, I've met lots of people who've put their trust in me and given me work. I'm not going to give you a rundown of my 2012 projects, but I'll keep my favorite moments in mind, with a special mention for "OH fuck, I'm going to write a book" and "well, I'm going to go freelance".... among others. And above all, on a human level, setting up Make My Lemonade has enabled me to meet lots of top people and, above all, friends (photographer, color designer, hair plastic surgeon, journalist and so on) and I LOVE them to bits, I'm on the receiving end of 10 calls a day, but they have to understand that they're great...

 But above all, to "meet" you, I feel like for a year I've been spending my life saying thank you, but I'm so aware that if all these incredible things are happening to me today, it's also thanks to you. Thanks to the fact that more and more of you are coming (yes, yes, I know there are guys hanging around) and more and more, so THANK YOU. And thank you to those of you who come to tell me to keep going when we meet in the street, when I'm surrounded, at the end of my rope, dressed any way I want, loaded like a mule, in love or even, it's happened, all at the same time. THANK YOU.

 And now I'm going to do my Oscar sequence, but thank you, Mom, for correcting my mistakes as soon as I got out of bed, and thank you for your encouragement, worthy of Michelangelo's mother. Thank you Dad for telling me it was stupid to start a blog "you're going to give your ideas to everyone", and for looking at me like an extra-terrestrial. Thank you to my boyfriend, who pushed me a year ago to "do something", even if you must sometimes regret seeing me vampirised by my screen, I'll fix that... Thank you to all my friends for their support, their sharing, their little hands and their kindness, and a special thank you to my Justine B. because...  

February 06, 2013