

My little cats... 

I'm stuck, I dabble in coming to this blog, but I think I underestimated the length of my holidays: one week vs the furiously crazy year I've just spent was definitely not enough! So I'm going at my own pace, I listen to myself a lot, I have things ready for you especially the famous DIY I bet you'll like it! But for now, I think I need to take refuge in the summer and its softness and calmness, to start finding the energy to create again, and to boost my willingness of doing! I can feel that September will be CRAZY, even completely mad regarding logistics and timetables but you know what, I love when my life is going at 2000 an hour, simply not today. Ahah I need to rest and to nourish myself with beautiful things. So I'm still there for those of you still at work, and for the internet junkies who are paying a visit from their phone while laying on the beach (DROP THIS PHONE)... I realize as I write that it's been a long time since I wrote to you and it feels really great! So don't panic, I'm not putting pressure on myself I have nice things for you, I'll be back really soon...




Anyway, today I want to talk to you about a nice address I randomly found in the neighborhood the other day, it kind of became my canteen, it's healthy, it's good and it's pretty who could ask for more? Well, and the price, of course, isn't expensive at all (yes it's possible): "Jules & Shim", the korean picnic - even the name I find it awesome. It's very close to the Canal, at the 22nd rue des Vinaigriers, 75010 Paris. I'd advise to order take away to eat your Bibimbap by the canal. It's atypical Korean dish: a mixing of rice, meat, fish or the vegan version, with a hint of pepper, you mix everything and you enjoy it with a large spoon...It's healthy and fresh and I could eat it all the time lately, I'm sure you'll love it. I tested for you the cold cucumber soup, awesome, and the matcha/strawberry cake, amazing... The Bibimbap starts at 8,50€, let's go!




And of course I fell in love with this amazing lunch box, I took it, cleaned it, scanned it and vectorized it and here is the template for a A4 sheet. A lot smaller than the original one, you can use it as a travel box to store your jewelry during your holidays... To make this express DIY, you will need:

  • To download the template here,
  • A pair of scissors,
  • A steel rule,
  • A blunt scalpel.



To start with, print the template on Bristol paper, and put the sheet back into your printer to print the motif of your choice on the back of your sheet. 




Then, with your scissors cut along the black lines, inside the black lines even. You now have a sort of stylized flower, printed on both sides.




With your steel rule, and the blunt scalpel, redraw all the doted straight lines. Here I'd advise a blunt scalpel because you'd risk to run through the paper with a new one whereas we only want to mark the ridges. Then on the side with the motif, pinch the ridges with your fingers.




Keep marking all the ridges by slightly pushing with your finger. Once all the ridges folded, start forming the box, you'll see it'll work by itself, start assembling all the "petals" towards the center and fold the angles as shown in the second picture.




And TA-DA! Have fun making them of different shapes, sizes and colors, if you lack ideas to wrap your presents... Be assured that you'll see this little box often around here. 

Edit: I just got an email from the creators of this box: Aphinitea. I am truly sorry that I didn't know their website before, so I withdraw the template from this post, I hope you'll understand. If you ever want to have such a beautiful box you can still go to Jules and Shim, or order them on Aphinitea's website!

August 08, 2013