Happy Monday my cupcakes, 

I was caught by surprise when I came back from my holidays... So much work, things to deal with, people to meet and so on... Crazy July! And to say that I thought it would be quiet, not at all! But it's all good, I'm home, fresh and ready to set off again. I love the expression "you have to strike while the iron is hot", I relate to it... I hope you're enjoying your holidays and making something worthy of them out of your fingers, I'm preparing some I-have-time-I'm-on-holidays DIYs and if you get me right it means some ambitious DIYs :-) But today I'm here to treat your tastebuds... 

So in keeping with the iced and refreshing food, here is a stunning little recipe of a goat cheese ice cream, that you can serve as a starter or, why not, for desert... The cheese addict living with me asks for more...




To make this recipe, you will need (for two people):

  • 4 handful of baby spinach, 
  • 50 g of morello cherries, 
  • 1 little jar of dried tomatoes, 
  • 125 g of goat cheese or ricotta, 
  • 5 cl of whipped cream, 
  • 5 cl of water, 
  • 10 g of sugar, 
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. 

To start with, in a pan bring the water and sugar to boil. Once the mixing is boiling, take it off of the stove and pour it into your blender, adding the goat cheese and the cream. Mix for about 1 minute, your mixing has to be as smooth as possible. Let the mixing cool down in the fridge for about 1h. Then get your ice-cream maker, pour the mixing into it and let it work for 15/20 minutes. leave your ice-cream aside in the freezer.

Nothing could be simpler than plating-up: wash your baby spinach, put them in a bowl, halve the cherries and stone them, then add them to the baby spinach. And to finish with cut the dried tomatoes like stripes. Dress as you like. As for my, I found the perfect mix: hot chili sauce (one tablespoon) + olive oil (4 tablespoons) + strawberry vinegar (2 tablespoons) + 2 drops of soy sauce for the salt. Enjoy!




And a little booster shot: don't forget to participate to the vitaminwater contest by posting a picture of your fashion cake... You still have a little bit of time, the winner will spend the day in Paris so he/she and I will make his/her cake together, and the cake will be sold by a major brand! Be ambitious!


July 29, 2013