Oyé Oyé my rabbits, my chicks, my pullets and other farm products, Happy Easter! I'm not going to start a controversy on this blog about religion, but I can tell you that for me, Easter may be about the resurrection of Christ, but it's also about one hell of a day [...].
April 09, 2012 — lisa gachet


Happy friday a todos, Petite forme en cette fin de semaine, je suis triste de devoir remettre des collants, il y a des mots résonnent dans ma tête à base de " En Avril de te découvre pas d'un fil..." mouais ce matin, j'avais presque envie de mettre des moufles c'est quand même pas [...] I'm sad to have to wear tights again.
April 06, 2012 — lisa gachet

DIY Shoesing

Oyé oyé, I'm so excited to present this DIY! It's a photo taken in my old apartment, which I told you about last week... Since then, my boyfriend has made it clear that I can't have my shoes hanging in our bedroom like hunting trophies... When I've [...] [...]
April 04, 2012 — lisa gachet


Hello everyone, I hope your weekend was more relaxing than mine... I've put together a little recipe for fluffy cupcakes, if I can put it that way. For those of you who follow me on twitter, I was looking for a recipe for butter-free frosting, as I find that butter often [...].
April 02, 2012 — lisa gachet

Happy Friday #5

Happy Friday guys, I'd like to give a kiss to my mom who is enjoying her first day of retirement today! Let's hear it for her! I'm so proud of her... if you knew all the projects she has, it makes me dream... can't wait to retire... Here's Friday [...].
March 30, 2012 — lisa gachet

Thursday's wish list

Hello friends! Thursday's little wish list, in this springtime, I'm in the mood for decorating. You haven't seen my apartment yet, but it's very, very uncluttered, and I share my daily life with my boyfriend, who's a fan of sober lines, white, wood, etc. And I'm [...].
March 29, 2012 — lisa gachet

The spinning skirt!

My little flamenco skirt... Ok, there are still polka dots but this is just a residue from the previous week... Don't worry, I'm already better... I really had fun making this little skirt, and when I love I don't count, you know, so I made 2... and [...].
March 28, 2012 — lisa gachet

Banana Bread

New week, the weather was crazy in Bordeaux this weekend, enough to recharge the batteries. I didn't really get a tan, but I did get hot in my opaque tights... what can I say? Pigmentation aside, I made a little killer recipe, nothing crazy either, but the taste, BUT THE TASTE! [...]
March 26, 2012 — lisa gachet

Happy Friday #4

Here's the Friday I'm laughing, that's how it is... I look too happy in this picture but that's because it's the weekend tonight, I've had a crazy week thanks to you here and tonight I'm going to go back to my parents in Bordeaux. I know I'm going to [...]
March 23, 2012 — lisa gachet

Shopping Polka!

Hello little butter hearts, here we go with the silly nicknames, don't blame me, I'm all about love, but with the ton of incredibly encouraging and enthusiastic comments you've left me, I can't help but be a sugar lump right now... I think my therapy for curing myself of the peas [...]
March 22, 2012 — lisa gachet

DIY Polka dot!!

Screams of hysteria! I'm as excited as a flea! More and more of you come here every day, Thank you for reading! Thank you is the word I use most at the beginning of 2012, happiness! And I think there are more and more of you too, thanks to my good fairy Valentine, who is [...]
March 21, 2012 — lisa gachet

Polka Dots inspiration!

A little inspiration... If you only knew how many polka dots I'm piling up, not to mention stationery, fabrics and even clothes... the furthest I've gone is to give a polka dot shirt to my boyfriend, which isn't really a good idea, because when [...]
March 20, 2012 — lisa gachet