Oyé oyé,

I'm so excited to present this DIY! It's a photo taken in my old apartment, which I told you about last week... Since then, my boyfriend has made it clear that I can't have my shoes sitting in our bedroom like hunting trophies... When I have a huge dressing room like Carrie's (if possible), we'll talk about it... Anyway, I love this way of storing shoes: you can see them clearly (you only see them...), it's precise and you know right away what to wear with them... Today, my shoes are stored in boxes.) it's precise and you know right away what to put them with... Today, my shoes are stored in immaculate white boxes with their polaroids stuck on them, which is very control freak ... but at least they don't get damaged... I see them less, I miss them a little, but one day soon they'll be an integral part of my decor again, I can feel it... To console me and ease his guilt at curbing my girly decorating desires, my man was kind enough to pull out his drill and make some holes in our bedroom wall to show you how to make this DIY, just long enough for the photo, eh ( I know, when I have an idea somewhere...) Admire his powerful and convinced hands.... Super-easy DIY, all you need is a drill and a man (or if you know how to use an instrument, just the drill...).


For this killer Shoesing, you'll need..:

  • a drill
  • wire cutters
  • wire
  • 2 or 4 screws and dowels (depending on a 1 or 2-level shoesing...)
  • hammer
  • a man (optional)


To start with, mark out the places to be drilled on the wall. To avoid overloading the wire, I suggest you mark out the holes 1m / 1m20 apart. Using the drill with the appropriate bit for the plug you're going to use, drill the marked holes (2). Slide the plug into the hole and hammer it in ( 3 & 4 ). Screw the screw into the dowel, which should protrude from the wall by about 3.5 cm (5). Cut a large piece of wire and wrap it tightly around the first screw (6). Finally, repeat this operation around the second screw, tightening the wire and wrapping. TADAM! For this DIY to be a real success, I'd advise you to use fairly sturdy dowels and screws, not huge ones either, but something solid enough all the same! And now you can admire your wonders at any time... One day, I'll tell you about my addiction...

April 04, 2012