On this fine Thursday morning, I'd like to tell you what's new on my Etsy store! It's been so long that I've wanted to make these accessories with this crazy material: a kind of super-light metal paper, and not sharp at all... I'm really happy to have been able to work with my friend Jules, who [...].
October 11, 2012 — lisa gachet


My little cats, my first "short life" article is to tell you how disappointed I was in the last few days to learn that I hadn't been selected to take the evening pastry classes offered by the city of Paris... It's now been 3 years and a bit since I left the school [...].
October 09, 2012 — lisa gachet


Happy Monday, yuppies! We're on the 3rd installment of the "eat and move" list sent to me by Renaud, the marketing director of clubmed gymm, and I knew that of the 10 sports ingredients to highlight, there would be a few that would make me wince... And I'm still [...].
October 08, 2012 — lisa gachet

happy GRAAAOU friday

Olala the head of super Chinese! Happy end of friday kids, I hope you enjoyed this GRAAAOU week, for me it only reinforced my desire for a leopard coat (like this one, which is pretty damn perfect anyway, thanks Charlotte)! I love this trend, and find that it comes back so frequently that it could be a [...].
October 05, 2012 — lisa gachet


My little cats, I'm working overtime to show you my feline DIY of the week... I know you're not all lucky enough to have a wonderful lover who gives you IPADs for your love anniversaries... So that's why this is a bit of a DIY, 2 in 1... with a [...].
October 04, 2012 — lisa gachet


Madness, my friends! I juggle, I juggle, I have a thousand lives in one (just add a few more hours each day, I beg you, agenda god!!). I've also got cravings, but that's just like everyone else... I've got leopard cravings, big leopard cravings even, like this little Asos coat (sold out... it's [...]).
October 03, 2012 — lisa gachet


Hola, my little cats! A little twist to my taste buds... I have to confess something: I don't really like chocolate. Okay, I like nutella, white chocolate, and sometimes even milk chocolate with hazelnuts. But it's not really what I go for when I'm feeling gastronomically depressed... And that's [...].
October 02, 2012 — lisa gachet


My little plugs! I've listened to you all and now I'm declaring the week GRAAAOU open! Thanks again for all your inspiring ideas, but I think I'm going to have the most fun with the feline theme... For those of you who are new around here, I like to introduce a theme week every [...].
October 01, 2012 — lisa gachet


Hello everyone! As you may have noticed, I wasn't here on Friday because I was at the bottom of my bed with a pretty bad flu... I'm making up for it today with a happy sunday, post gout... I didn't go far out either, just down the street from my house to celebrate my new [...].
September 30, 2012 — lisa gachet


Hello darlings! Like every 1000 likes on facebook, I'm doing a little DIY contest for you to win the famous Do It Yourself in question... But this time I let myself get a little overwhelmed, and we're at 3500 and counting and I'm only posting this famous [...].
September 27, 2012 — lisa gachet


My little butter hearts, I'm fighting tooth and nail with a super temperamental sewing machine (it's not mine, mine is too good, too nice and very easy to live with, personal message: I miss you come back viiite). Anyway, I hope to finish the DIY thank you for [...] in time.
September 26, 2012 — lisa gachet


Hola! I hope you're having a wonderful, sunny, warm and balmy Monday, just the way we like it in this Indian summer... Seriously, where is September, when we've gone from "swimsuit" to "down jacket"? No, I don't agree! And [...]
September 24, 2012 — lisa gachet