Hola my little cats!

A little twist on my taste buds... I have to confess something: I don't really like chocolate. Okay, I like nutella, white chocolate, and sometimes even milk chocolate with hazelnuts. But it's not really what I go for when I'm feeling gastronomically depressed... And what I love about my "non-chocolate-mania" is the moment (in a restaurant) when the waiter arrives with the dessert menu and says to me, confidently, his eyes deep in mine: "we've got a chocolate fondant, you're going to A-DO-RER". Missed. All this to say that today I did a bit of violence to myself, because I know there are chocolavores in the room, and a bit of cocoa from time to time never killed anyone, so I made you a bi-gôut cheese cake: half plain, half chocolate... and given the circumstances of GRAAAOU week, safari shades were de rigueur... 



You'll need..:

  • 200g speculoos
  • 55 g butter
  • 130 g sugar
  • 400 g Philadelphia or cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 5 egg whites
  • 2 tbsp chocolate powder (bitter or sweet, your choice) 


Start by buttering your baking tin or lining the bottom and sides with parchment paper, then preheat your oven to 150°C. Crush the cookies with a pestle, then add the melted butter. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the tin, forming the "crust"... Mix the cream cheese, sugar and flour in a bowl, and in another large bowl, beat the eggs until stiff, then gently fold them into the other mixture. Line the baking tin with half of the mixture (plain), reserving the other half. Spread the plain layer evenly, using a spatula. Add the cocoa powder to the other half left in the bowl. For this recipe, I used nesquick... Then, still using the spatula, spread the chocolate mixture over the plain layer. Bake for 35 minutes. Watch regularly.

For decoration, you can download the stencils HEREI used bitter cocoa, coconut, crushed cookie, hazelnut powder, etc. ( sweet of course! ) Have fun and enjoy! 


October 02, 2012