New story, new chapter, new collection. If I tell you that this is the most beautiful, you'll probably say that I say that every time, and you wouldn't be wrong. But in fact, no, it's the most beautiful. I've never had such positive feedback from the people around the studio. For the past 15 days, I've been clearing out my closets to adopt the entire collection. It's normal, you'll tell me, except that with previous collections, I've often been fooled: I'm always amazed at the popularity of the collections and I can't order my size anymore, and tell myself that it's fate, that I might be lucky enough to find my happiness in a return order to the studio. But this time, it's not to be. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, I won't be fooled!

And it's different this time too, because usually, when a collection comes out, I'm already fantasizing about the next one. But this time, I find myself stalking the trucks criss-crossing Europe containing my precious new winter companions! Rarely have I been so excited about clothes from my own collection. Of course I love my products,  but there are times when I love even more the colorful world of a story, or a piece of clothing. the film we imagined with Simonéor the studio atmosphere that lulled us during the months we spent building the collection. But this time, I'm excited about everything. I'd almost like time to stop and suspend this moment. I'm always calculating my next move.

(Feel free to click on the arrows to the right and left of the images <3)

Time is good. Like that feeling when you realize you're learning a little more each time. And with the mini hindsight we have now, I think this is the most accomplished collection, in terms of the number of pieces, the accessories, the prints, the quality of the materials, and all the things we've said... From the start, I've had the impression that we're trying to imagine clothes that are different, that we don't see everywhere and in which we feel good. But this brand, Wear Lemonade, is evolving and growing fast. And a bit like a song by the L5, I have the feeling that it wanted to be all the women in your life. But today, I feel there's something more mature and feminine about this new collection. I wanted to imagine timeless yet fashionable pieces, like a sexy Simone de Beauvoir or a Jacky Kennedy in a Stan Smith. So I needed beautiful pieces that could withstand the seasons and give us that feeling of always being comfortable, beautiful and powerful.

Some might say there's a hint of nostalgia in the universe of this story. I'd say it's obvious that we've dipped into our mothers' and grandmothers' wardrobes to find the best clothes we've always dreamed of taking from them. You know, those pieces we fantasized about owning, and even though we knew that one day they'd capitulate and give them to us... We got tired of waiting for the transmission to happen. So, we decided to help you write your own story, by imagining these pieces, which one day, you too will pass on..."  The weather's fine, the sky's blue... "

This song by Isabelle Pierre, even if you've never heard it before, can't leave you indifferent. For me, it evokes the kind of moment in life that we're looking to recapture. That moment that always comes back, when you least expect it. The one that settles in uncomfortably, that arrives without warning, often for me, when I don't feel like going out. One of those evenings when I let myself get carried away by the general movement and then suddenly, the day dawns, the night comes to an end, and ends up being the evening of my life... That's what this song inspires in me, this taste of absolute freedom,  the magic of moments when nothing bad can happen to you if you're inspired or surrounded by fascinating people...

Thanks to Laurence Revol for these images, to Laurence Maestrello for the Makeup, to Hélène Rabu via Simone App for the hairstyles. Thanks to Souki, Coline, Léa and Marine for slipping into our clothes for a shoot (and hopefully more...). Thanks to Jonak for the loan of the shoes and to Roadster for the crazy opportunity to rent this Mustang jewel.

And thanks to the whole Lemonade Studio <3

October 27, 2017