Hello everyone,

So here's the first part of this "home tour" where I'm going to show you my entrance, my bedroom and my kitchen to start with! It's a big deal for me to show you so much of my privacy... I needed to keep this space to myself, but soon, photos will appear on decorating websites (there's already a very nice article on Inside Closet and my decorating interview on Milk Decoration) so I wanted to be the first to share my images with you. You'll see that it's certainly very smooth, but transpose these images into your imagination and add piles of clothes. You can see all over the apartment like ice cores of clothes, the place where I undress every evening, clothing totems for each day of the week. I think you've already got enough to do with your own mess, so I've taken the liberty of tidying up, to welcome you into my home, a bit like receiving friends. I'll do a second post where I'll show you the treasures of my living room, which is a big piece. So welcome to my home tour 1/2!

Home. My home. At the end of these 4 four floors, this apartment that I adored the first time I stepped inside. I've always said that I'm not attached to places, but as I've gotten older (and yes, I'll be in my thirties in 6 months, 29 days and 17 hours...), or as I've grown up shall we say, I've come to understand the importance of having a home and feeling good about it, of taking care of it. What I loved when I first opened the door of this apartment was the light.

Click on the arrows to see the other images!

In my previous apartment, I was always in my bedroomin bed by the window. At first, I thought I was having a bit of a breakdown, spending my weekends in bed, but not at all! Like a green plant, I was looking for light, and the bedroom was the brightest corner of the apartment! When I did my research, I knew how important light was to me; what's more, I moved into this apartment after having integrated the lemonade studio which is probably where half the light in the 10th arrondissement is stored. So I knew I wanted light for my nest! And since I've been here, I've been spending my time in the living room (article to come) sitting cross-legged on the carpet in front of the windows! CQFD, like in a Ben Harper song, I'm only happy in the sun...

And this apartment is different. I hunted for it for over 9 months, and then it just became so obvious. And as I'm growing up, or getting older, I don't know, I wanted to take my time with the layout. You know me, I'm an over-impatient! Everything has to go fast, and nothing makes me happier than unpacking the moving boxes when the movers (my friends) are ready to move in.  are still on the stairs carrying more boxes. As soon as I move into a new place, I like to decorate it so that it looks and feels just like me. But this time, I wanted to take my time... not rush into anything and wait for the place to inspire me.

In my bedroom, I wanted soft colors, and I don't know why that made me think of an adventurer's room always on the move. Taride globes of love on my mantelpiece, given to me by my sister, and I got rid of the dressing room in my bedroom and put it in the hall closet, making this room a bit like a hotel room. The headboard Habitat headboard is a big part of this, and last week I added some Paper Mint wallpaper by my friend Alexandra B. The bedside table is a 4-year-old UO table, but the good news is that I've seen the same ones at Fleux I saw it in the boutique but not on the site, but I found it. this while preparing the article (wouldn't that be nice?)! For the rest of the furniture, there's the chest of drawers Maisons de Monde chest of drawers, which has been with me for a while, and the little secretary I found at Emmaus. And as decoration, you can see my chandelier. DIY with 2000 wooden beadsand my small collection of rattan mirrors.

So I've taken things one step at a time, moved everything around a thousand times, looked at the space upside down, squatted in every corner and I think it's good. I love it when my family and friends tell me they feel comfortable in my home.

I'd love to entertain more, but with the studio it's a bit complicated to leave early to get everything ready. However, I feel like I'm doing more and more things here, so I think I'm finding a sort of balance at the moment, and I think feeling at home helps a lot. Will I grow up?

I used to tell you that I was a big mess at the office, that it was pathological. But at home, apart from the clothes that grow like vegetation every day of the week, I manage to keep my environment peaceful and "organized".  almost like these photos. You'll laugh: it's all thanks to Marie Kondo's book, "The Magic of Tidying Up that bestseller I read over 2 years ago now. But I often think about it and what I've kept from this book is that you need to surround yourself with objects that are dear to you, that you really love and that you need to choose a place for everything, so that each object can easily find its own place and the apartment is tidy. It's very, very basic, but I often piled things up without really knowing why I had them,  or how they got there.

A good indicator for me to know if my little accumulation problem is coming back is to be able to see that there's still space available under my furniture... I didn't apply each and every precept of the Kondo method, which was far too radical for me, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve two years later...

As for the kitchen, I bought some basic Ikea furniture when I was setting it up, and I had asked my friends for some The French Vikings to create a blue concrete worktop, a bit like a crazy marble, a hybrid of terrazo! So this blue was the starting point for the kitchen. But I'm not a fan of monochromes but rather of color blocks, so I wanted to try the bold combination of yellow and blue.

I also wanted a bit of privacy, because there's a big overhang with my neighbors at the back of the courtyard, and my breakfasts in my underpants were collective with the community, without it really being planned either for them or for me. The illusion is perfect and I'm sure my neighbors are amazed to see that I have lush vegetation all year round... Many of you have asked me where I found my moon trays on this site... Fine Little Day and my chalkboard and bookshelf at Hema ! If you have any questions about the provenance of the objects, don't hesitate to ask me, I'll try to answer them as best I can in the comments! Love you all! 

November 22, 2017