

Happy Monday, my little kittens,

Today I wanted to give you a "pre-holiday" nod with a special salad week...You know, I'm capable of doing a special flower week in the middle of autumn, so a special "detox" and salad week in December doesn't even faze me! "Detox" in quotation marks, because the recipes to come aren't always light, but at least I hope they'll make you want to eat well, take care of yourself and give up frozen pizzas...

So why this theme? Well, because I love to eat them, but there's no one left to imagine them... I often mix whatever's in my fridge, like some kind of free-style salad artist. But there's always something too much, or too little, and I confess I'm not very good at imagining a salad... I'm not defeated, it'll come, I've learned a lot over the last few weeks...

Anyway, I've been wanting to set up this week for a long time now, but it's been a long time in the making, because yes, you'll have special guests on the blog every day, friends in love, fans who'll come and share their visions of winter salad... 

I'm delighted to introduce Justine B., my first "gens bien" on the blog, remember... Well, I leave you in charming company




  • Hello Justine, can you introduce yourself in a few words? 

Until I retire and spend my life in rubber boots in the middle of my huge vegetable garden, I grow chives and mini peppers on the windowsill of my apartment. I'm more of a sausage/red wine man than a macaroon/champagne man, I curse the person who decreed that the day should only consist of 3 meals and I have a holy horror of coquillettes.

  •  What was your first culinary madeleine de Proust?

Honey toast on a Viennese baguette with a layer of butter, accompanied by a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with extra brown sugar.




  • What triggered you to take care of yourself through food?

 I don't think I've ever really clicked, because good food runs in my family. My grandfather taught me from an early age the pleasure of eating well and the importance of choosing the right products. (He also taught me that you NEVER cut Roquefort cheese horizontally, and I'm taking advantage of this forum to spread the message to as many people as possible).

  • What's your favorite ingredient, the one you use everywhere, with your eyes closed?

Olive oil, but not just any olive oil! From a small Greek producer who comes through here twice a year. I buy it in 10-liter cans, and if I could, I'd drink it straight from the bottle. 




  • What's the dish you make yourself when the going gets tough (which also works for the aftermath of parties...)?

That's a tough question, because it's typically the two cases where I'm unable to resist the siren song of junk food... Oops! (sorry, Grandpa)

  •  Your detox tips before and/or after the holidays? 

A raclette? Ah ah ah




  • Today you work in advertising, with an all-consuming passion for treating others. When will you change careers?

Somewhere in a parallel world, another version of me is busy in the kitchen, chef's hat screwed on. She doesn't know it yet, but one day I'll build a machine that will open a door to her world, and I'll steal her place.
(Demonic laughter). 




December 02, 2013