Yes, you're not dreaming, I'm talking about nipples today, but rather than you thinking "don't these tartlets look like breasts?I'd rather take you by surprise... and yes, they do look like little tits, but there are pastries called "nuns' farts", so... When I showed these tarts to my guests, I heard "Marie Antoinette has to behave herself", so here's where my mind went. I'll spare you the part where I stuck 2 tarts on my t-shirt... Let me introduce you to "Marie Antoinette's tetons". For this little dessert, I was inspired by recipes I found on two of my favorite blogs, the shortcrust pastry on that of griottes and the raspberry bavaroise from my little fabric: two great blogs.... Aaaaah one day I too would like to take photos as beautiful as theirs... ( I'm not complaining today, I had a crazy camera to take photos of my tarts!)

Start with the bavaroise, you need it:

  • 1 punnet of raspberries
  • 3 g agar agar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 50 g sugar
  • 65 ml milk
To begin, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens. In a saucepan, bring the milk to the boil, then add the agar-agar. A few moments later, pour half of it over the egg yolk/sugar mixture. Return to the pan. Heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture thickens. Then place the mixture in your blender, along with the raspberries, and blend! Pour the mixture into your silicone "half-sphere" mold and refrigerate for around 2 hours.
Meanwhile, prepare your shortbread dough:
  •  220 g flour
  • 100 g butter, half salt
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g brown sugar

Start by beating the egg and sugar together, then gradually adding the flour. Knead the dough with your hands, then add the softened butter. On a floured surface, roll out the flour to about 1 cm and, using a glass slightly larger in diameter than your silicone half-sphere mould, cut out the shortbread. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.

To decorate, unmould the bavaroise onto the shortbread, then use 20cl of cold whipped cream (and around 50g powdered sugar) to decorate the shortbread with a piping bag. You can also add a small raspberry on top... as a nipple! Enjoy!

July 09, 2012