


The ultimate excitement! To tell you the truth, it all started 6 months ago, when I joined an office-sharing scheme, and the host company was Jimmy FairlyOptician of the Internets... It sounded familiar to me, because I'd seen a few collaborations with a certain Eleonore Bridge or our Pandora As the days go by, I discover a team of young entrepreneurs with a thirst for eating the world... And I like eating the world too. And above all, I discover the concept of Jimmy Fairly "Buy one, Give one". In fact, in addition to buying a pair of eyeglasses for less than 100 euros, Jimmy Fairly is committed to donating a pair of glasses to an association, and yes, in Fairly there's "FAIR".




Anyway, I'll spare you the bemused looks of these roommates at our various manual activities, but I can feel that they're intrigued... And then quite quickly, we become testers of "little nose" glasses, curious about their collection. And then one day, we decided: Come on, let's make a pair of glasses together! I'm all for it, as my last pair of (white) glasses was when I had platinum-blond hair, which I finally painted black with nail varnish... Do it yourself spirit when you want it... So I didn't wear my glasses much, and when these little jewels arrived, well, another sentence was passed: I couldn't see a thing! 




For the record, I love XL glasses, but every pair I tried on made me look like Vera in Scoubidou, minus the red hair and turtleneck, but you get the idea. I wanted round, with a retro feel, but at the same time, in XL, it was very modern. So the general idea and design of "Lemon came about. And then the ultimate moment of recreation was for me to choose the materials, the colors... I've got tons of sunglasses, I'd been dreaming of mirrored lenses for a long time, but I hadn't found the shape I liked - too cheap, or too masculine... Never mind, the sunglasses will be pink in powdered acetate with grey mirrored lenses. And for the views, I had tortoiseshell in mind, like a memory of my mother's glasses from the 90's... And I think tortoiseshell is terribly chic: it goes with everything, without being stiff like black glasses...




 And to top it all off, the Jimmy Fairly team offered me the chance to personalize the "buy one give one" project. This time it's me who chooses the association we're going to work with: for every pair of "Jimmy Fairly x Make My Lemonade" purchased, we'll donate a pair to a children's eyewear association. And after telling you about my mother, I'd like to tell you about my father, because this is my dad's association: BASB Bordeaux Action Solidarité Bénin, which I've already told you about with the "Bags of Love". Donations will enable the association to continue its work by tackling a key issue in education: access to vision. A child who can see is a child who can learn. 

The glasses are available in boutiques in Paris, Lyon and Toulouse, as well as on the brand's website, for 99 euros. It's a limited edition - there are only a certain number!

We've come full circle! I hope you like this collaboration! I look forward to hearing from you! And as promised, I'm spoiling you! Try to win a pair of "Lemon" sunglasses by commenting on the pair you prefer (sunglasses or eyeglasses). I'll draw the winner on Friday evening! The results will be posted at the end of this article. Hugs and kisses to you, my little cats! 




Thank you Aurélie, Antonin, Sacha and Julien!  


Contest winner Camille F, her comment is surrounded by a golden lemon. She wins a pair of "Lemon" sunglasses! Congratulations and thank you 1026 times for your entries! Love to you! 

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September 04, 2014