Ahah... okay, I admit it, this article has been ready since yesterday, but go figure, between work appointments, friendly crisis cells, laundry to hang out, and a little party for 15 to prepare, I've been a little overwhelmed by events - I've got a real life on the side... of this cyber identity! But as you know, I'm very attached to this little rendezvous on the internets, and I don't like turning in my copy late, so I'm going to spoil you this weekend and next week with our good old theme week. It's ready, but you'll just have to keep your fingers crossed that I'll have enough time to post and write to you between brushing my teeth and turning in a book model (I'm almost there...). By the way, this theme week will be all about decorating, which I kind of miss... I'm dreaming of finding a new apartment, so I can have fun on the walls and sofas, but in the meantime I'm content to fanstamine on Pinterest... Anyway. That being said, a reader shared with me an "in the Navy" idea for a future theme week. I think it's a really great idea... If you ever feel like brightening up my neurons with ideas like this, I'd love to hear from you!

 Big hugs and kisses to you all, and stick around for today, as the New York City adventure may last a little longer around here...



Today, in this icy weather, I'm all in steel blue, glacier blue even (don't worry, my coat was waiting for me on the arm of my favorite photographer...). So I'm wearing suede pumps la redoutesuede pumps, which I've been wearing a lot lately... Polka dot tights Oyshoa micro skirt embroidered with tiny Margarin Fingers ice bergs! A top that's been on my mind lately, Paper Case, which you'll find on a nuggety new site Our Wanderings Minds. And a metallic blue leather perfecto from outer space BershkaI think it has a touch of Michael Jackson about it...

February 23, 2013