Hello my little cats!

So today, for my first "official" post of the year, I'm here to tell you about a great project for which I'm the ambassador! For those of you who don't know yet Etsyit's a platform for individuals and small designers. Lovers of handmade work and vintage! In fact, it's an easy-to-access site that lets anyone sell their creations in just a few clicks. a platform it's a huge community of very active sellers, generous with advice and tips to help other sellers make a name for themselves.

So why am I telling you about it today? Let me tell you a quick dinosaur story. During my studies and my first years as an intern/employee, I saw how the Internet exploded the creative world. It literally turned design, production and marketing upside down. The Internet is madness. Today, the Internet is as important as having hot water at home. It has reduced distances from one end of the world to the other, bringing people together who would never have met without the Internet. It's become a marvellous tool for publicizing your work and developing your business.

4 years ago, I decided to open Make My Lemonade to share my creations and my Do It Yourself, and what a great idea... Since that little Internet window, I've been able to meet thousands of other people, you, read love, advice, tips, kindness and find an echo to the things I was making. Love and comments were all very well, but one day I had to to make ends meet and I said to myself: "what if I sold the things I made...". So I got out my sewing machine and made 10 perfectos in crazy fabric and that's when I opened my Etsy store! It was so easy, and within a few days I had sold all my perfectos... That was it!

That was the starting point for my sewing patterns and ready-to-wear brand. Wear Lemonade... Now you know the story. At Lemonade Studio, we regularly welcome you, and many of you ask us questions about how to set up your own business, how to make a name for yourself...

This month, Etsy is offering a free 4-week online training course, a sort of boot camp for entrepreneurs in need of cutting-edge advice.

It takes place on a mini-site and on Facebook in a private, easy-to-access group. During this month of motivation and training, each week you'll receive an essential lesson in online marketing on Etsy, straight to your inbox. The aim of this program of good resolutions is to inspire you, to help you meet other creators like yourself and to help you discover the keys to success in online sales, so that you too can enjoy the freedom of being your own boss and making a living from your passion...

So when Etsy asked me to become an ambassador forEtsy ResolutionI had been wanting to do a project for a while, but I couldn't fit it into our schedule! I wanted to do a primer for the motivated entrepreneur on Instagram. So why on Instagram, I think the square format of the app's grid lends itself well to it! And as there are more and more of you on this medium too, I wanted to develop exclusive content... So from Monday 18th, I'll be posting my tips all week long. ( For those of you who don't have instagram, no problem, I'll post the results at the end of that week on the blog! ) Kisses and a sneak preview of the letters we've already made!

And the icing on the cake, if you're starting out on Etsy this month, take advantage of 20 completely free uploads by using the code MakeMyEtsyResolution and clicking through. Etsy.com/promotions. 2016 is your year!

January 04, 2016