

My chestnuts, 

I had a conversation with a friend a little while ago who was telling me that yes, us the girls, we had a pathology with purse and shoes... Beside the misogynous characteristic of its remark, I told him that women were not all the same!

Indeed, if some have a tendency to systematically and compulsively buy shoes and purses to extend their gigantic collection, I think others exist that have a more located problem. Let me explain: in my family we are 3 girls: my mother, my sister and I. 


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My mother might have at leaast 80 purses looking more or less like each other, going from beige to fawn, through chocolate and camel, with a small touch of leopard from time to time. A lifetime collection... On the side she might have like ten pairs of shoes (she always buys the same pairs but that’s another story...) Let’s say that Martine (her name) is a purse  woman. 

 My sister Maureen (say «Hi Maureen!») even though I haven’t been into her closet lately, I know her well enough to say, excuse my french, that she swings both ways (purse and shoes). Her heart isn’t torn between the two of them, it is big enough for both. Mau is a purse and a shoes woman. 




As for me, I’d say I’m definitely a shoes girl, an non-practicable on an everyday basis shoes girl, but you already know that. So if today I’m telling you this it’s because I open, careful, I partially open the door of my purses closet. Remember I wore for two years and for at least 712 days in a row my Musuelly purse... A few months ago I abandoned it for my crazy Erotokritos suitcase/hand-purse, but it is so big that I can put my entire life into it, so much that I can’t stop filling it and at the end of the day, I lean. So I found an alternative: a new lover, Gérard. It is a reedition of Gérard Darel’s 24h bag, by the way the brand reedit 11 iconic models, mine is the one from 2012... Big year for me since it’s the year of the launch of Make my lemonade! Anyway I will leave you with these little pictures of what is hiding into my purse, and of some tips to customize a beautiful leather bag without destroying it... If you see what I mean... I like the idea of hanging up souvenirs... As for the Birkin, from Jane Birkin, a purse like a buddy that would come with me over time and be the witness of the years passing by.




 Bottom line, all women aren’t all the same... What about you? Are you more a purse type ? A shoes type ? Or both ?

18 avril, 2013