Happy sunday my cats, 

Beauty today, cause I know you all are beauty addicts... I have to admit I’m becoming one myself... I really don’t care about eye shadows and smoky eyes (except for Klein blue, I melt for it...) but I’m crazy about lipstick. I have lots of them and I love it! And yet a few years back I didn’t wear any, I only dreamed about it because I thought my lips weren’t the lipstick type... How crazy I was ! Truth is I didn’t know how to apply it and I always ended up with some on my teeth, so GLAMOUR. I will spare you the date story with lipstick on my front teeth... Once I got home I saw my face in the mirror and I knew he wouldn’t call me back... Imagine the bright smile with the big crimson stain on the teeth, like Zézette the ultimate chic. And one day, my aunt whose job it is (no, she doesn’t make lipstick she is a professional make-up artist) took charge of it and show me the ultimate tip: «the finger in the mouth tip». When you say it like that it can be completely obscene but it is not, not at all. Once your lipstick applied put your finger into you mouth and close your mouth around it. The extra lipstick potentially on your teeth will then be on your finger, and it works every time ! I will leave you to re-watch Mai’s video where she shows you this professional move... Once I knew this tip, I can tell you I had a field day! Lipstick every day of the week ! Here is my short list of my favorites... I never get tired of them! In the morning, I get dressed and I choose a color as if I was choosing a dress for my lips, a color for a mood... Basic you’d say ! 




  1. Red russian, MAC. I don’t have to introduce it to you it’s Madonna’s lipstick (80’s Madonna). I wear it when I want to be Femme Fatale hehe, yes sometimes I’m like that !
  2. Bourjois. It was the love at first sight with this one, but for it packaging first... Then the color, with this transparency, but a little bit shiny as well.. Either I powder it, or I leave it sparkling it depends... And it’s super moisturizing as well !
  3. A real grandma lipstick: Rouge baiser what a cute name (red kiss)... The shade is #415 LUPIN, a nice coral, very dense color. Little downside: it’s not so moisturizing do I hydrate my lips with lip balm before and I powder it afterwards so it lasts more than 2 hours. I wear it less often because of its color - not easy to wear - but when I’ve decided it’s the one, it means I am in a sophisticated mood (if such a mood ever existed!).
  4. A super super orange one, INFRARED by Topshop, super moisturizing. I draw the lines of my lips with a pencil because the color has a tendency to run... I wear when I want to have a good laugh...
  5. Lady danger, MAC. Truth is, it’s my favorite. The color is almost fluo and mate, but like its brother the Red russian, it’s not very moisturizing... I wear it when I feel down, it’s my comforter, when I don’t wear anything exceptional it does the trick... MAGICAL!
  6. It is the first lipstick I got, offered by my aunt when she was teaching me her tip... A fluo pink FUSHIA 84 like a Barbie, a good old Gemey that smells like a grandma, I love it! I wear it with vivid colors, a red/orange sweater or a green one, and it makes all the difference in no time, a kind of color block portrait, the final touch of a look !
  7. The red KISS OF LOVE 11 from Rimmel, it looks a lot like the Red russian but with more light. It is the real red, the one to mark the neck of your lover. Actually, it is the red that the woman in the Email Diamant ad is wearing. A red that makes everyone agree on. An indispensable...

 And you, what is your favorite shade ?



03 février, 2013