Happy Monday kitties,

It is finally the last recipe with le Club Med Gym. I made it last longer because I didn’t want the collaboration to finish quite yet. For the last one, you’re gonna think it’s not a very bikini-friendly recipe... But it was not the point of it, I wanted an apotheosis of fruits and Chantilly cream, as well with a wink to a vegetable... A huge cake because you also have to treat yourself, and if you’re feeling guilty too much you can still run to the gym to burn the calories you’re about to eat in this cake ! Which is by the way not so sugary but mostly gourmet, and that is not the same thing... I hope you enjoyed the collaboration, I was pleased to make my vegetables move and to imagine gourmet recipes that are also good for our behinds! I also wanted to mention that in this month french Glamour magazine, there are 3 of my fashion cakes recipes. As for today I take the same base as in the jungle/Kenzo carrot cake but slightly modified with pecan nuts (I’m crazy about them!). Incidentally I already made a carrot cake recipe remember? But there are both very different. I will let you do the crash test but just so you know, for such a cake with levels like this one, I’d advise this recipe over the first one !




For this cake you will need:

  • -  375 g freshly grated carrot
  • -  2 eggs
  • -  110 g sugar
  • -  150 g flour
  • -  Half a pack of baking powder
  • -  15 cl sunflower oil
  • -  100 g pecan nuts
  • -  25 g raisins
  • -  Zest and juice of an orange

Preheat the over at 180°C. Firstly, put the raisins in the orange juice and the zest in a small bowl. While they swell, beat the eggs and the sugar altogether until you have a  frothing mix. Add the oil to the mix and keep beating energetically then add carrots, flour and baking powder. At the last minute, add pecan nuts and the mix raisins/orange. Pour into two small foldable molds formerly buttered and floured and put in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes. 




For the icing:

  • -  20 cl whipping cream
  • -  35 g powdered sugar
  • -  150 g Philadelphia
  • -  Lots of fruits!




For the icing and the stuffing, whisk the very cold cream and add the powdered sugar little by little. Once the Chantilly is firm enough, add the Philadelphia. Once your carrot cakes are cooked and cooled down, remove them from the mold and with a long knife divide them into 2 discs widthwise. Once your two cakes are cut you have 4 discs of carrot cake - that’s good.

Now between each disc you spread a generous layer of icing, and on the top, you put 3 tablespoons of icing that you will spread in a sort that you will only leave 1cm of the cake visible. Then garnish the top of your cake with fruits! Here I used raspberries, blackberries, red currants, mint, slices of granny smith and of plums and clementines! Enjoy ! 



11 mars, 2013