My little chestnuts, 
Today we keep setting the scene for this Carmen Miranda week… And I’d like to introduce you to my officemate the awesomeRadiooooo. So what is it ? Well Radiooooo (with 5 ‘o’) is a website where you’ll be able to listen to music starting in September. Okay great thank you for the idea. No wait to hear for the full concept it’s great! The concept is geniously explained in the small video on the website (they’re also paper addict…). Well the concept is a map of the world on which you can choose the country and the decade from the 1900’s to nowadays. Gigantic musical archives, magical sound cure, there isn’t all the music of the world but only the best songs to them, they selected la crème de la crème for your ears. And it also is a social network where you can submit tunes, if you are (for instance) an expert in Poland music from the 40’s you can send them your gems and they put them in the relevant playlist. 
Since we have to wait for September to listen to those rare sound gems, in the meantime Noémie and Benjamin made us a fruited playlist to our special Carmen Miranda week. You can enjoy it here on Spotify and you’ll see the list of the tunes with the associated video clip below, be prepared ! 


make-my-lemonade-radiooooo-carmen miranda


To make all of these paper fruits that you’ll see on the top of my head by the end of the week, rendez-vous on a really awesome american website: Mr Printables



03 juin, 2014