Happy Monday, everyone! I hope that you had a nice, restful weekend, and are ready to face this gray and gloomy week... keep your heads high, my darlings! Today I’m here to give you some inspiration for the upcoming weekend! I admit that I’ve been lacking a bit of inspiration lately when it comes to cooking during the weekend, to have to come up with fun and healthy ideas multiplied by six, it’s not easy. You might say there are worse problems in life, but I’m not a follower of culinary monotony so during the weekend, I’m often afraid of an empty plate. I’m lucky my love is creative in the kitchen but there’s a little pressure to ‘compete’ with him... So, the other day, I understood that if I made him one more pancake, he was going to ask for a divorce... and I think that personally I’ve eaten too many too, I’m ready for something else! So here are three super simple mini recipes to make your tastebuds water.
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-une-autre-facon-de-bruncher-3 L’oeuf dans l’avocat, pour 2 personnes, il vous faut:
  • 1 avocado, not too ripe
  • Lemon juice
  • 2eggs
  • 100g ham or bacon bits
Start by preheating your oven to 220°C. Cut the avocado in two, take out the pit and make the hole left behind a little bit bigger in order to make some room for the egg. Add a little bit of lemon juice on the avocado, so it doesn’t turn brown. Then put your avocados on a muffin baking sheet so that they’re held in place. Break an egg in each of your split avocados. Cook in the oven for 11 minutes. While waiting, cook your ham/bacon bits in a pan, once the avocados are ready, sprinkle a few bits on it, season to preference and enjoy!
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-une-autre-facon-de-bruncher-4Pea and Coconut Milk Soup, for two people, you’ll need:
  • 250g of fresh peas, or 750g of peas in their shells
  • 1 half onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 12 fresh mint leaves
  • 250 ml of vegetable broth
  • 150ml coconut milk
  • Salt and pepper as well as olive oil
Start by finely chopping your onion and garlic clove. In a pot, cook them with a little bit of butter and olive oil; when the vegetables have caramelized, add the vegetable broth, or if you don’tStart by finely chopping your onion and garlic clove. In a pot, cook them with a little bit of butter and olive oil; when the vegetables have caramelized, add the vegetable broth, or if you don’thave any, water will work. When the water starts to boil, add the peas and the mint. Let it cook for about 5 minutes. Then strain everything, being careful to keep the cooking water. Put the vegetables in the blender, add the coconut milk and a little broth and mix! If the soup is too thick, add a bit of broth. Serve in little bowls and add a dash of olive oil on top, salt and pepper to taste!
Almond Milk Porridge, for two people, you’ll need:
  • 65g of oatmeal
  • 250ml of almond milk
  • Fruit
  • Homemade applesauce
Put the oatmeal and the almond milk in a small pot. Cover and cook on low heat for 8 mn, the porridge is ready when the milk has been completely absorbed, at this moment you can add the dried fruit, mix and cover to let it swell a few more minutes... In a bowl, add the applesauce (two tablespoons per bowl), cover the porridge and sprinkle fruit of your choice on top. I know that raspberries aren’t in season, but it’s my guilty pleasure that at the fruit stand the other day. They are my weakness... enjoy!
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-une-autre-facon-de-bruncher-5 Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
11 janvier, 2016 — lisa gachet


Happy Sunday, my faithful darlings, I’m here to tell you about an extraordinary trip that we went on just after saying ‘I do’ last October... I feel like I’ve gone back just by looking at and editing these photos. I don’t think that there’s a better time to go on a ‘honeymoon’ other than several hours after the wedding. After having a look around, picking up the confetti and handing out the decorative flowers, it’s good to get away while still trapped in our little bubble of love... We left for ten days in Greece, you might say that that’s short. Well, for a workaholic like me, it was a big thing. In several months I’m leaving again for 15 days and it’s going to be a challenge for me to leave the Lemonade Studio for such a long time! I’m already getting ready psychologically (no, I’m not crazy, I just love my work...). Well let’s get back to it: Greece!
For our honeymoon, we didn’t want to have an unbearably long flight, we wanted some peace, sunshine at all costs, a change of scenery, and an inexpensive destination... so Greece and it’s islands seemed like the perfect place. At that time of the year (beginning October), the weather was beautiful, it was warm without being scorching hot, plus it’s the end of the tourist season so there weren’t a lot of people around.
The trip consisted of three parts. We went directly from Paris to Santorini, it’s this adorable little island that we’re going to talk about today, then we took a boat to Heraklion in Crete for several days, then we took a flight to Athens. It’s very easy to get around... if we had stayed longer, I would have loved to visit the little islands in the Cyclades, which we’ll do next time for sure!
Just so you know, and since this made the trip for me, the island of Santorini is like a circular arc, with a small uninhabited island just near it and if you look at these two beauties from the sky, you see a circle. Santorini is in fact a volcanic island and the inhabitable part is on the volcanic crater’s slope. I think it’s crazy to think that a few kilometers farther down, there’s a ton of hot magma!
Once on the island, it’s hard to get around by foot since it’s pretty big. We used a car, but it’s possible to rent scooters at lots of places on the island, or if you’re a daredevil, four wheelers... We had some great walks on the highest spot of the island, up where we could see the ocean on all sides, which is magical... on our first walk, we wandered a bit and we ended up at Fira, the capital of the island.
Fira is also well known for its funicular, so even during the low season when there aren’t that many people, I recommend you opt out on that and go down to the old port, Ormos. Go down there to go back up! To get to the port, take the big winding path that looks like a staircase (by the way, forget your flip flops). You’ll surely pass by hundreds of cute little donkeys, tired of carrying lazy tourists. Give them a little pat and get down on your own two feet, burn off the calories from that local moussaka...
Once at the bottom, you’ll find little cafés and some boats that’ll take you to the nearby small island or to the amazingly postcard­perfect town of Ioa! I really wanted to get there by sea, but once at the bottom, the last boat for the day had left. Plan accordingly because at this time of the year, with the sunsetting early, the last boats are around 4:30 pm. So we went up with the funicular...
We stayed five days in Santorini in a cute hotel, the Amber Light Villas. We had a room like a little separate villa with our own private pool. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll remember this picture! The view was amazing, just the sky and sea... I don’t know how that’s possible but it was difficult to tell one from the other, shades of blue were everywhere.
Every morning at this hotel, I couldn’t wait to chow down on the enormous breakfast at the restaurant! There was a large variety of fresh, local products. I still think about it sometimes while looking at my sad bowl of cereal...
The hotel was between Fira and Oia, so once we were there we did a lot of things by foot, but I admit that we spent quite a bit of time just taking in the view, the sun, and our little pool, not doing much besides enjoying our time away and remembering the night of October 3rd...
And then one day, we decided to go on an adventure by going straight to Oia, following your advice! The three hour walk on the side of the volcano was beautiful, spotted with little white sparkling churches under a shining sun... it's one of our best memories from the trip!
And then suddenly we arrived in Oia, it just how I imagined the Cyclades! Okay, okay, I know that it isn’t because there are 250 islands and in the Cyclades only 24 are inhabited, but that’s how it is in my head! Oia being the “touristic capital” of Santorini, there are a lot of restaurants and boutiques. I suggest you wander off the main streets and get lost in the little ones to find some treasures and amazing views!
By the way, Oia is known for its amazing sunsets, so you have to reserve a table at a restaurant with a terrace at least once to enjoy the breathtaking view! We did that at Pelekanos on our last night. It was magical, the panoramic view was incredible and it was the best octopus salad of my life! I’d like to thank you for all the great tips that you gave me, where to eat, drink and things to see. I’ll list them below, please don’t hesitate to add any in the comments!
Where to eat on the island of Santorini, here are all your recommendations:
  • - Franco’s at Pyrgos
  • - Santo Wines at Pyrgos
  • - Lolita Gelato at Oia
  • - Meltini at Oia
  • - Kandouni at Oia
  • -  Drakos Taverna at Oia
  • - 1779 at Oia
  • - Metaxi mas at Exo Gonia
  • - to be continued...
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-voyage-grece-santorin-16Things to see and do at Santorini:
  • The hike between Fira and Oia,
  • The walk down to Fira’s old port,
  • the volcanic black sand beach and archeological ruins
  • the collapsed Caldera
  • Eros Beach
Starting next week, I’ll take you to Crete and once I’ll have shared my article on Athens, I’ll share a Facebook album with all the pictures of this trip! Hugs and Kisses! If you need more details and information for your next trip, check out the discovergreece website!
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-voyage-grece-santorin-15 Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
10 janvier, 2016 — lisa gachet


Hello my little darlings! To keep in mind all the good resolutions you’ve come up with, we’ve decided to make you some little flags! No need to be an expert with a needle, just follow our step­by­step instructions, turn on the TV, and everything will be fine! I’m excited to see you this Wednesday for this short DIY and I hope to be able to start our new creative rendezvous of the week! Relax your fingers, gather the needed materials for this weekend and polish up your office decorations... Hugs and kisses!
For this DIY, you’ll need :
  • The files to download and print here,
  • Different colored felt,
  • Different colored thread bobbins,
  • White flocking paper or white felt or galley flocking paper..
  • Scissors,
  • Glue,
  • A needle,
  • Embroidery thread.
To start: download, print, and cut out the pieces!
Trace the pieces on the felt (trace them on the backside to be sure to avoid pen marks on the visible side of your felt by turning it over)! Good luck! For the letters, trace it on the back side on the matte part of the flocking paper and cut it out!
Put the different pieces in place. You can keep them in place with a dot of glue to make it easier (only put the glue in the middle of the pieces so you won’t end up getting glue on the needle). For the lettering, the shiny side should be facing you. Iron for several seconds. If you don’t have flocking paper, you can make the lettering out of white felt and embroider it.
As soon as the felt cools off, peel off the film.
Now take your needle and the matching thread and start embroidering, making small, close stitches, as even as possible. Do this all over the flag! Take your time, in front of a good movie... for the bathing suit, I suggest you use a chain stitch !
And there you have it, you just have to sew the links with several stitches to hold it in place. And Ta­Da!
  make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-fanions-10   Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
06 janvier, 2016 — lisa gachet


Resolutions.. I love resolutions, although these past few years I’ve only been able to keep them for about two weeks, I suppose like everyone else... but over the years, almost 27 years of resolution­making, I’ve realized they were too ambitious... So this year I’ve decided to solve the problem: I won’t write “stop being messy” but rather “be less messy”. It’s not a huge change, but it makes all the difference! Rather than putting pressure on myself, I’m going to make resolutions that don’t go against who I really am. These resolutions will be like a list of little things that will make me happier, and above all, make others happier.
After talking about it at the office, I thought it would be good to make a list of everyone’s resolutions because in the end this is where we spend most of our time. Why not keep our resolutions in sight, in mind, beyond the second week of January? While reading through all of Lemonade Studio’s good intentions, let’s say that it was a mix of personal and professional resolutions, I felt like we all made the same point. Between going to a bowling alley and increasing one’s libido, each of us had others in mind. There was also:
  • give more
  • waste less
  • recycle more
  • eat better
  • tell loved ones that they are loved more often
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-bonnes-resolutions-2All of this goes to show that I think more and more about taking care of myself this year, something that isn’t really a difficult task, but the idea of paying attention to everything around us is the best of resolutions. I’m kind of sad it’s taken 27 Januaries to realize it but I’m ready to fix it in 2016! Hugs and kisses, wishing you a great year full of happiness to you and your loved ones...   Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
02 janvier, 2016 — lisa gachet


Hello everyone, My little lambs, I don’t really like to dwell on the past but all the same, 2015 was an odd year... I think that despite the events, we’ve done our best to make the most of life... I’m filled with gratitude and love as I look back.
When I think about 2015, a lot is about Wear Lemonade. I think about how we imagined it would be a little ‘confidential’, just to test it out, to see if anyone was up for it... and well let me say THANK YOU because, and I speak for the studio, this adventure has been really gone beyond our hopes and dreams. In addition to working like crazy these past 12 months, I think we’ve learned a lot, about each other, and what you’re looking for at Wear Lemonade and when...
This year’s highlights were:
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-shoes-jonak-wearlemonade And as for myself, I traveled to amazing places, I met and reconnected with extraordinary people that I work with everyday, and most importantly, I got married... I’m smiling because when I think about it, that’s at the end of my list, but really he’s everywhere, at the beginning, middle and end. The other night while with some friends I was talking about the fact that I feel like I’ve grown up and that my life no longer revolves around love, that it’s a mix of freedom, creativity, and of course, love, but it isn’t my only reason to live. And a friend opened my eyes and said I was being ridiculous. Ever since he’s known me I’ve been in relationships. That hasn’t changed, but what has changed is that I’ve found THE ONE who loves me, all of me, and doesn’t try to change a thing. make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-wedding-playlistAnd it made me realize that if I’m doing this today, feeling free, it’s all thanks to him. I’m so happy to have found someone who loves me enough to give me the space I need to achieve. So there’s my secret to accomplishing so many things, in addition to having a fantastic team, it’s Love. And that’s what I wish you in 2016... to find it, or if it’s already the case, to have even more of it in your life! make-my-lemonade-portes-ouverte-lemonade-studio Translated by Whitney Bolin.[:]
30 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet


make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-ikea-8 Hello my darlings!
I see that you’ve been inspired by the last article, you’re so funny. I don’t feel as alone in my capillary misadventures! So, here’s a do­it­yourself we did during the Ikea workshop last week. I’ve searched high and low how to perfect the speckled look, and I’ve found that a plastic pipette is the best way to make an irregular pattern that really stands out (a lot easier than splattering with a paint brush)... I hope you’ll like it and it’ll inspire you for those last minute gifts that don’t look last minute... a dish set for 2, a great way to perk up your romantic brunches! Warm hugs and kisses, see you tomorrow for the Advent Calender Contest!
For this DIY you’ll need:
  • dishes
  • plastic gloves to protect your lovely hands
  • ceramic paint, you can find this at Pébéo and Faber Castell
  • a toothbrush
  • plastic pipettes
  • a stencil brush
Let’s start with the pipette technique! Dip the end of your pipette in the paint and fill it by squeezing the end.
Now squeeze it lightly to push out a little bit of paint at a time and make spots on the plate (if you’re afraid of messing up, you can practice on paper beforehand).
Continue on to the rest of the plate! Put on your gloves to wipe the rim of the plate. Pour a bit of paint on a palette and dip your finger in it.
Carefully go around the edge of the plate, go back over it several times if needed. Now let’s move onto the toothbrush or stencil brush, although during the Workshop we realized you preferred the toothbrush! So, go ahead and put some paint on it!
Now rub the hairs of the toothbrush to splatter paint on the brush. And TA­DA!! Depending on the paint you’ve used, it’ll need to air dry, or be baked in order to set the paint­ read the instructions on the bottle. Oh, and of course these dishes can’t be put in the dishwasher but rather must always be hand­washed!
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-ikea-6 Translated by Whitney Bolin.[:]
23 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet


Hello hello my dearies, I hope you’re doing well and that you haven’t spent this weekend looking for last minute presents! Just a reminder, I told you about a helpful list of the best DIY Christmas gifts. But I digress. Today, I’m here to tell you about our latest workshop, our first with Ikea decor! If you’re familiar with us, you should be well aware of our love for the king of ready­to assemble furniture. Remember our DIY Lemonade stand? But let’s get straight to it! You can see all the pictures on Facebook!
While choosing what products to work with, we were limited to portable items. Even if you would have been thrilled to have a Billy bookshelf, I think that would have been a little bit difficult to take with you when the time came to leave. We therefore decided to do a DIY dish set offering customized plates, utensils, and cups thanks to a special ceramic paint. And as we have a soft spot right now for marble patterns and polka dots... We’ve splattered paint on ours to give it a mottled effect. Each of us then chose to personalize theirs with or without this technique. Their dishes, believe me, don’t lack creativity!
For the second DIY, we’ve chosen to make a tote bag as a quick intro to sewing using this amazing fabric from Ikea (5 fruits and vegetables a day, ya know!). Most of the participants had already sewn with a machine, but to sew a tote bag, it’s quite simple: straight, precise lines, going back to the basics never hurt! To finish our bags off we colored the patterns with fabric markers (I know you’re dying to know, we found them at Ponsart Textile, Filles du Calvaire subway station).
And for this workshop, we’ve decided to take a break from our usual snack and opted for a brunch instead. Thanks to Ikea we had spiced cookies, cranberry juice, Swedish salmon and other goodies. It was more than just great food, it was an opportunity to get to know you better and to take the time to chat while having a real break for a meal.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this workshop update, I know that many wanted to join but weren’t able to reserve a seat. We’re doing our best to have more more often, and I promise 2016 will be prosperous workshop­wise, with Wear Lemonade Workshops soon to come! Happy Sunday and see you next year (yes, I can’t help but say that every year)! A big thanks to the Ikea team and to Tania for this lovely video! Charlotte S.
Translated by Whitney Bolin. make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-workshop-ikea-11[:]
20 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my chestnuts,

I am writing this post right from the airport because I am going to Hong Kong! I am so excited to go there but I cannot tell you more about this trip right now. I am preparing you a nice project for the 4th year anniversary of the blog in 2016. You know me, I am not patient at all but I will try to keep the secret as long as I can!
Anyway, just to say that December is really busy but I did not forget you: today we are showing you the men shirt DIY, in case you did not find a present yet for your dad, lover or even banker (if you like him)… You probably think that a shirt is really complicated to make but do not worry, Laure tried to simplify everything for you.
Now it is time for me to get in the plane. Do not hesitate to follow my trip on Instagram, I send you big kisses!!




All you need to know:

  • - You will need 1.80m of fabric (1.45m of width). We advise you to choose nice cotton or chambray. You will also need 7 small buttons (10mm) and some bonding tape.
  • - Download the free pattern here and to put the sheets together click here.
  • - It is not that complicated you will see. For those who are more experimented, you can do it in one afternoon. For the beginners, it will probably take a whole weekend! Do not hesitate to contact Laure if you have issues: [email protected]




Start to preform hems and folds. For the pocket it will be 2x1.5cm for the left and right fronts, you can use the pattern lines to help you. Iron the folds.




Start with the front. On the right side of the fabric, sew the button part twice: once at 0.75 from the edge and once at 2cm. Do the same on the other side.




Sew the top of the pocket (0.75cm) to maintain the hem. Preform the other edges with the iron including the seam allowance. Place the pocket on the front of the shirt using the lines.




Sew (0.5cm) to maintain the pocket. In the back, look for the 5 small notches that you will find in the middle.




Fold the fabric while stacking the notches in order to create a rounded fold. Maintain the folds with a seam, 0.5cm from the edge. Prepare the bar folding it in two.




Fold it again twice. Sew the edge of the bar. Place the bar on the back while folding it (second picture).




If it is a bit too long, it is normal. Shorten it. Sew it at the top of the back and iron.




Take the piece of the back and place it on the front right sides together. Sew at 1cm. You can make a zigzag or an overcasting stitch but new tip: you can cut the seam allowance with serrated scissors!




Iron the seam upward. You can sew at 0.5cm if you want to maintain it. Place the two front sides on the back one, right sides together. 




Sew, whip and iron the shoulders. Turn the fabric inside out (on the reverse sides) and stack the sidelines. Sew at 0.5cm (we are going to make a French seam).




Turn the fabric again (right sides together) and sew again the sideline at 0.75cm. Iron.




For the sleeves, find the right front side thanks to the two notches. Fold the hem at the bottom of the sleeves with the iron (2x1.5cm outward).




Fold the sleeve in two, on the reverse side and make a French seam. Fold the hem (it will be easy now because you already preformed it with the iron) and sew once at 0.5cm and once at 1.75cm from the edge.




The sleeve is now done! Pin it, right sides together, to the shirt armhole. Sew at 1cm and then whip again. 




Now for the neckline, use bonding tape on one side. Right sides together, stack them and pin. Sew at 1cm for the smaller sides and the top following the curves. Leave the bottom of the neckline open.




Use the serrated scissors for the corners, turn the fabric inside out and iron. Fold again the seam allowance on one of the necklines.




Pin the edge of the neckline that has not been fold again, on the right side of the shirt. Sew at 1cm.




Turn down the neckline on the seam you just made. Pin and sew on the right side at 0.2cm.




It is almost done! Fold again 2x0.75cm the bottom hem of the shirt. Sew at 0.5cm. Place the buttons and create the buttonholes (we advise you to make them by hand or to ask for the help of a tailor). Here we are!




Translated by Coralie Clair
Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

17 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet


Document Scannable


Hello my little kitties!

I am back on the blog after few days offline because I am preparing you so many surprises for the months to come! Today’s post is really important to me. I got married few months ago, as you may know and I have tested and tested again some stuff that I wanted to try for a long time. I really enjoyed these little moments because even if this blog is offering me amazing opportunities, I do not often take care of myself. Here is a best of the 3 things I loved to do during the wedding preparation, because finally, is everything goes well, it should only happen once…so let’s enjoy it!




To start, I wanted to say that the smallest detail would always make the difference! I already talked to you about this on Instagram but for more than a year now I am wearing eyelashes that I changed every 6/8 weeks. I am literally addicted. Then, some of my friends tries and completely loved wearing them. Yes they are very long but people usually do not notice it and always think that I have been spoiled by the fairy mascara. It took my lover 6 months to realize… Moreover, I often cry while watching Grey’s Anatomy… so with these XL lashes, on the wedding day I did not look like a panda! I have tested various addresses but I often go back to Les cils de Marie because I am always well received and the quality of the extensions is amazing! You have to pay around €130 the first time and then €70 for the retouches.

Les cils de Marie
30 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris




Another thing I wanted to do for a long time. When I am stressed, I eat. I am a real cookie monster and I can eat a cheeseburger with bacon and a milkshake as dessert for lunch and then have a snack a bit later if I am stressed. I did not really want to gain weight before I try my last wedding dress on… For this reason, I needed not to think about what to eat and cook. I already tried some juices diet but the idea to only eat liquid was not really nice. Then I saw that Detox Delight proposed 3 light meals and juices. Bingo! I lost 2 kgs, I had a flat belly and a nice skin in few days!

Detox Delight delivers everywhere in France and just opened a juice bar at the 130 Amelot Street in the 11th district of Paris to test all their recipes. Detox Botanical Diet from €68 a day.




My last crush is for the O’Kari Spa and I hope to go there again soon. It was so nice, I felt like a real princess. In the middle of Paris, it is a nice peaceful place. We open a door and in a small backyard we discover the entrance of the O’Kari Spa. You will need at least 2 hours if you want to go there because the sweet Karima, the host, is really taking care of you. At the end of the hammam/skin care/massage… they serve you the sweetest lemonade I have even drunk (and I drank a lot). Going there plus the detox delight diet… I had a perfect skin. You can also go there with your friends for a bachelorette party… I took the O’Kari Basic skin care (€150).

22 rue dussoubs
75002 Paris 

I send you big kisses! See you tomorrow!


Translated by Coralie Clair
Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

15 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet



Photo and typo by Noel Shiveley

“Hello, you are number 145 on the waiting list, you have to wait between 3 and 150 minutes…”

Hi everyone,

Today, I will talk to about a topic I really care about for a long time: issues, the smallest and the biggest of the entrepreneurship life. Since our last meetings, for the Christmas sale at the office or the doors open day, I thought about it and it came up that we are not really showing you the reality, our reality. You know, here and on Instagram, I only show you the best part of our lives, the best version of it, the best of our daily routine. I hope I can even inspire you sometimes, but above all, give you the desire to do…

For this reason, I often talk about entrepreneurship, that it is the best decision I took in my life, the craziest and most unconscious too. I am so lucky to be able to invent my job everyday. It is still true, and if I tell you all of this, it is also to focus on my daily victories, small moments of happiness that this independent life can offer me. However, in reality, I do not make paper objects all day long or fill plexiglas boxes in with confetti. Today I am lucky thanks to all the success you gave us, we are a whole team now but we still know “bad” days. And the issues are often not coming alone.

When we are entrepreneurs, there are some boring stuffs to deal with, depending on the status of your company, but also URSSAF, income taxes, VAT declaration, RSI… It is not Sunday everyday and even sometimes Sunday is not really looking like it should be. You see, when you are independent, all these things are daily issues.

Imagine you have this bulb you have to change every month. One day you go to the shop to buy one, and when you come back home, you realize you did not buy the right model that fits with your installation. So imagine, the issues the independent people are facing, are like bulbs you have to change when the light turns off.

Well, just to tell you that “shit happens” sometimes but you have to move on and continue to believe in your dreams. The only advice I can give you is to handle them when it happens and then focus on the fact that tomorrow is another day. And do not forget: “When live gives you lemons, make lemonade!”



Translated by Coralie Clair
Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

10 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hi everyone!

I hope you are doing well. Everything is fine for us and today is the launch of Leia: the little blouse I talked to you about last week is the last piece of the Wear Lemonade collection of the year! It is not yet time to take stock but this Wear Lemonade adventure is completely crazy! I wanted to thank you for all your feedbacks; we make the brand grow everyday because of you so I wanted to thank you for giving us the strength to go further and to do our best as always! I think I can talk for the studio members too and we are all so impatient to see what is coming next (YES I am not talking about the girls only because we have now a new male member in the team: welcome Simone!) 




Anyway, it is time to show you Leia, the stars princess. We decided to produce it in 3 different versions because we could not choose! They are all made of silk: white version, white with little stars and black with white polka dots. Leia will be sold for €79 in smaller quantities than usual because we divided the production in three! We advise you to choose one size above your usual size. By the way, talking about production makes me think about the fact that we will probably travel for the next collection and bring you with us to see the backstage of the Wear Lemonade collections… I really want to tell you stories next year! As good news never comes alone, to complete Leia’s look, we produced few more Ava “tutu” skirt in France! I hope to see all of you with the Leia blouse during Christmas holidays!
For those who are the most motivated: here is the step-by-step video to realize your own Leia, it is not that complicated you will see! 



All you need to know about the pattern:

  • You can buy the sewing pattern in a nice packaging with an instruction booklet and a Wear Lemonade tag here for €14.90.
  • You can also buy the PDF version for €2.99 and the instruction booklet is now included in the file. You can print it in A4 or US letter. The second picture will help you to put the sheets all together.
  • The degree of difficulty is: “Nothing complicated”, you will be a tear-resistant slits expert!
  • To sew the blouse you need 1.60m of fabric for the bigger size (1.40 of width = classic fabric roll), some bonding tape and 3 covered buttons. We advise you to create this blouse in a cotton voile or a silk crepe (why not an English embroidery or even lace).
  • As a reminder, the seam allowance is included in all the Wear Lemonade patterns (= 1cm)!
  • If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to send a message to the queen of patterns Laure at [email protected]




As I told you a bit earlier, you always inspire us new ideas… We saw that many of you are often buying patterns by 3. For this reason, we decided to sell patterns pack at the end of each collection. It is a really nice idea for those who want to try sewing or to make their friends discover Wear Lemonade patterns! Since today, you will be able to find a collector box for each collection. If you buy 3 patterns from different collections, you will also receive a box but the “random” one!
Check them out:

  • - The BACK TO BASICS pack with the Frida dress, the Mona perfecto and the Ava skirt.
  • - The CHERRY DOTS pack with the Paloma dungarees, the Nina jumpsuit and the Lola dress.
  • - The TO THE MOON pack with the Rosa teddy, the Malia dress and the Leia blouse.

I send you big kisses!




Translated by Coralie Clair
Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

09 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my little kitties!

As you know, December is the DIY month so let’s show you another one! This little DIY has been imagined for our Lemonade Studio sale we organized last weekend. I was so proud of it that I wanted to share it with you guys: ultimate satisfaction! Moreover, we always need a folding screen at home to separate a room in two or to hide a messy one… You will see, it is very easy; you just need to manage the electric screwdriver and the shading off effect! Do not hesitate to ask the seller to cut the wooden boards at the dimensions you want… Have fun!




For this DIY you need: (you can find everything at Leroy Merlin for around €40)

  • - 5 wooden boards OSB 170x32cm (2cm thick),
  • - 12 hinges (3 holes of 2cm width),
  • - An electric screwdriver,
  • - Screws 3.5x16 (minimum),
  • - Felt pads,
  • - A ruler,
  • - A pen,
  • - A small paint roller,
  • - White paint,
  • - A white paint spray.

Take two wooden boards and put the side by side, widthwise.




With a ruler, mark the right place of the first hinge (from 10cm of the edge of the board). Use screws and the electric screwdriver to fix it! (You will see that you will have no regret about buying this electric screwdriver).




Do the same on the other end of both wooden boards (3 hinges in total, lengthwise). Repeat these steps with the next wooden board (each time you take a new board, do not forget to change the side of it when you put the hinges).




Continue until you get your 5 boards assembled together!




Stick the felt pads at the bottom of the boards in order not to damage the floor. You can also fix some wheels if you want. Here we are!




We decided to paint our folding screen in a white shading off because we wanted it to be matching with the floor but you can also use another color if you prefer. Start to paint half folding screen and to create the shading off effect, use a white paint spray for the transition. Place the spray from 30cm of the board with a 45° inclination. Do not forget to paint the edges of the boards! Here we are again!




Translated by Coralie Clair
Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

08 décembre, 2015 — lisa gachet